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It appeared that it would be the most memorable evening in (F/N)’s life

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It appeared that it would be the most memorable evening in (F/N)’s life.

Well, both memorable and taxing.

Not a few minutes had passed after entering the Reiss mansion when people’s eyes began wandering towards her and her escort, Erwin. Yes, they were talking a lot, their subject particularly focused on Erwin Smith’s former military title and how a debutante could benefit from it. But, their sole purpose for wagging their tongues was the fact that the most desirable bachelor of the evening had a partner and a potential fiancée already.

So, hesitant as they may, they removed the former Commander on their lists of potential grooms. And it left them focusing on the second entry of their own list, Levi Ackerman, Captain of the Scouting Legion, and rumored to be still single.

Problem was, no one could find him. Some even said that he skipped the event, altogether.

Had they looked and observed in the proper way, they would definitely learn that the Captain in question was disguised underneath false golden locks and a fancy dark suit. And the only ones who were aware of his façade were his footman, his attendant, his valet, and his partner. Particularly his partner, yes.

Levi raised an eyebrow, observing the crowd of blushing ninnies who started gathering at one particular area of the vast room, yapping their whole tongues away.

“What in the world is that all about?” he whispered to no one in particular.

“I’m not sure, Captain Levi. Maybe someone popular?” his partner whispered back.

Levi snapped his eyes at his partner and squeezed the person’s left hand, which was held unto his right arm.

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that in here?” he warned savagely. “Didn’t Hange also teach you how to moderate your voice, eh brat?”

The brat’s captivating teal eyes widened in fear at his superior. He nodded quickly so as not to piss Levi off even more.

“Good.” Levi whispered and refocused his gaze on the crowd. “I hope we’re clear.”

“Yes, Si – my love. Yes, my love.” His partner said in a small voice imitating a female’s.

Levi nodded in response and satisfaction. He was about to scan the crowd for traces of either (F/N) or Erwin when he suddenly felt dagger gazes directed at his back. He slightly turned and noticed Jean, who was dressed as a valet, stopping Mikasa, who was disguised as the footman, from attacking Levi due to her utter jealousy towards him. At the corner of his eye, he could see how Jean mouthed the words, I apologize towards him for the gloomy brat’s behavior and tried very hard to reason with her. Levi just rolled his eyes, thinking that it was their own stupid idea in the first place.

Well, not exactly their idea, but the one who was dressed as their attendant for the evening.

“Don’t forget your rose, Sir.” The bespectacled attendant muttered mandatorily while pinning a violet rose unto the left side of his finely tailored jacket.

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