XXXIV. Enigma

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If those two letters that were exchanged by Section Commander Hange Zoe and Assistant Moblit Berner fall on the wrong hands by any chance, it would be quite normal, since it sometimes happens, depending on the people who delivers them.

What is definitely not normal here is the content of those letters.

You see, any person would think that what's written there is utterly rubbish, and not worth anyone's time. They'd send the letters back to the post office, wishing to never see those peculiar things again.

If only they knew,...

A day before Hange sent her response to Moblit's rather repetitive demand for suggestions, she and Levi were having a very private conversation inside Elvis Shunerman's mansion.

It all started approximately fifteen minutes after (F/N) and Ivanna left Levi alone in the living room.

Levi, with head still slightly throbbing with pain, was lying on the sofa, massaging his temples and fervently wishing for his torment to end. Honestly, that sudden and unexpected vision he just had about (F/N) and that raven - haired girl worsened his condition quite rapidly, and all he needed right then was peace of mind.

Which was never granted, thanks to the scientist who suddenly barged into the room, flailing her long arms about and screeching Elvis' name.

Levi clicked his tongue, cursed at the wind, and covered his face with a cushion, quite unaware that it was the one that (F/N) accidentally sat on thirty minutes earlier.

"Elvis!" Hange exclaimed with that shrill and irritating voice of hers.

"What do you want, four - eyes?" Levi said beneath the warm cushion, his voice muffled and very low.

"I got a letter from Moblit."

Levi slightly lifted the cushion and gave Hange a glance.

"Why are you wearing your glasses? I thought we're supposedly in disguise at all times."

"Well, you're not wearing your wig right now." Hange answered, looking at the disregarded wig not far from where the tea tray sat.

Levi covered his face once more. "Go away, Hange."

"No. You have to read this first. It's very important that you read this."

Levi finally threw the cushion away, hastily sat up straight, and stared angrily at the woman with his bloodshot eyes.

"Eww, Elvis, what's wrong with you?" Hange uttered, smiling and worrying at the same time.

"Everything! Now, where's the damn letter?"

"Here." Hange said, handing the letter to Levi. He just took it and raised an eyebrow.

"This has to be worth my time, four - eyes. Or else, I'm throwing you out of this house." he threatened.

Hange just shrugged her shoulders and sat on the other end of the sofa. Levi impatiently opened the letter and read. A few moments later, his expression changed from annoyance, to curiosity, to utter confusion.

"He wrote this sentence twice." he pointed out the said sentence at the end of the letter.

"Naturally." Hange answered. "It's Moblit's way of requesting immediate response."

"Really? What's so urgent about this?"

"Take a look at this,..." Hange handed Levi a folded piece of newspaper that she took from her sling bag. It was dated on the twenty - seventh day of June, which was two days ago. Levi unfolded the newspaper and began reading the article.

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