LI. Closer

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Levi made his way through the crowd of unknown faces and sinister smiles

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Levi made his way through the crowd of unknown faces and sinister smiles. It looked as though everyone was looking at him in a way that made his blood run cold. And with Erwin and Reiss’ disappearance, he was becoming more and more nervous as time went by.

Not for him, but for (F/N).

But, where the heck was she, anyway? He had been scanning the crowd for almost an hour and there was no sign of her. Hange, Jean, and Mikasa may now be on the move to retaliate should things escalate to threatening heights, but he could never do his job without the girl on his side. Not to mention Nile’s family within the mansion.

One startling tap on his back almost made him jump. He turned around and saw a very familiar looking elder woman looking at him and regarding him with a very scrutinizing eye.

“Have I seen you before, young man?” she said in a clear voice, indicating that, despite her old age, she’s still as alert as a Military Police officer.

And young man? He’s anything but that.


Levi snapped back from his thoughts and decided to answer the noblewoman. “No, madam. I’m a,… err,… migrant from Wall Rose.” He stuttered.

Dang it,…

“Honorary Noble! I see. Can’t really trust Honorary Nobles these days,…” The woman said, unfurled her lacey fan, which she used to tap him, and started fanning herself. Somehow, there was an air of importance about her which reminded him of someone he saw before,…

That’s when it finally hit him like a brick,…

“Y-your Grace,…” Levi muttered. He just couldn’t help stuttering in front of her.

For once in his life, he was intimidated.

Why? Because, right in front of him, was last year’s host of the Winter Season, Duchess Fleminger, herself.

Or, in other words, the old woman he and Petra escaped from last year to do their thing,…

“What are you gawking at, young man? Aren’t you just looking for a new partner?” the dowager said. Not only her body is robust, but her voice, as well!

Levi felt his hair stood on end at the air of authority which emanated from her. Yes, he dissed many nobles before. But, this woman? It seemed that there was something about her that freaked him out. He could tell it from the moment he and Petra first met her a year ago.

Not that she, herself, is scary, no.

It might sound crazy but, his Ackerman senses were telling him to respect this woman no matter what.

But, why?

“Forgive me, Your Grace.” He said in a really polite voice, then bowed respectfully without his usual high – strung behavior. A sight that Hange, herself, would pay thousands to see.

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