XXXVII. Veteran

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"Forgive me for putting you through all of this." Nile told (F/N) as she received the list of schedules he made for her to help her cope up with being his assistant and a Winter Season debutante at the same time.

"It's okay, uncle. I can handle it." She answered him, receiving the paper from him with a genuine smile.

"Are you sure you won't tire easily?"

"I won't, I assure you. I'm strong." She said while flexing her right bicep in front of him.

Nile chuckled at this. "Alright, kid. Be sure to join the others for the assembly. We have an important visitor for today. Make a good impression for me, got that, (F/N)?"

"Yes, Commander!" she said, imitating Hitch and Marlowe's attentive stance she saw the other day.

"Alright. Here's your uniform. Be there in thirty minutes." He said while handing (F/N) her very own Military Police uniform.

"Yes, sir." She said.

Nile left her inside his office to give her time to change. And when he finally closed the door, she took a good look at her schedule.

And gasped in fright.

500 - Wake up, bath, breakfast
600 - Training with Mikasa and Jean
1100 - Assist Captain Levi
1200 - Captain Levi's lunch
1800 - Captain Levi's dinner
2000 - Dismissal

She closed her eyes, thinking that she was still half - asleep, then opened them again. And when she looked at the paper once more, the words she saw earlier changed.

600 - 800 - Preparation ( Breakfast, Bath, etc. )
800 - 830 - Assembly ( Every Monday only )
900 - 1200 - Office Hours
1200 - 1300 - Lunch break
1300 - 1500 - Office Hours
1500 - Dismissal
1500 - 1600 - Free Time
1600 - 2000 - Dance and Etiquette Lessons with Delilah Smith
2000 - Dinner
2100 - Free Time
*Off every Saturday and Sunday

(F/N) stared at the paper, unable to believe what she just saw. Yes, Nile made it a point to make her weekdays as productive as possible.

But, those words? What is the meaning of that?

Who is Mikasa? Who is Jean?

Who is - ?

"Hey!" the door of the office was suddenly opened by Hitch, who caught (F/N) still staring at her schedule like a confused student. "You need help changing?" she then said upon seeing that she was still not wearing her uniform.

(F/N) quickly folded the paper and smiled at Hitch, hoping to somehow distract her from her obvious momentary disorientation.

"I can do it myself, thanks, Miss Dreyse." She said, faking a smile.

Hitch raised an eyebrow. "Whatever you say. I'll wait for you outside, okay? The Commander doesn't want you getting lost around the premises, so I'll accompany you to the Assembly Grounds, but just this once. After this, you're on your own."

"Got it." (F/N) said, nodding.

"Make it fast."

"I will."

Hitch closed the door, giving (F/N) privacy and time to change. She was about to go to the bathroom to change when she suddenly noticed the insignia that was embroidered on the brand - new uniform.

It was a pair of wings, the left one blue, the other one white.

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