Berg Newspaper Headlines - A Wall Sina Exclusive

896 31 10

( Dated 26, December, Year 850, Respectively )

The Enchantress Of The Winter Season Bewitches The Bachelors

By: Aintnoqueens

The elite society has been going wild with this year's much anticipated Winter Season events! Launched last evening, 25 of December, year 850, the most honorable nobles and this year's lovely debutantes grace the dancefloor of Lord Rod Reiss' mansion in perfect style!

One debutante, in particular, by the name of (F/N) Carlstead, has made headlines for herself for her revolutionary choice of gown: a rich raven fabric made of both satin and velvet. Clearly, this debutante has caught the eyes of the most eligible bachelors in the hall, including the newly dubbed Earl of Utopia, the former Scouting Legion Commander, Erwin Smith, himself! It seems as though every female in the ballroom was in fashionable rage upon seeing this very eligible bachelor having two dances in a row with this debutante, now known as "The Enchantress".

Your humble journalist was not able to interview this "Enchantress", unfortunately, but we do have the official statement coming from this year's Winter Season host, Lord Rod Reiss, himself.

"I know it in my bones, with just one look, that Earl Smith and Miss Carlstead is truly, a match made in Heaven!" the Lord exclaimed. "I did have the honor of announcing their betrothal this evening, if not for some unsavory happenings. But, all is well, I assure you! And I can assure you one more thing: that the Utopia would soon have its very own Countess, you mark my word!"

There you have it, Lord Reiss official statement regarding the couple of the year!

But, don't be sad, ladies! We still have a lot of much more eligible bachelors left for this Season, including Captain Levi Ackerman, himself! He was not able to attend last night's gala, but there are other more galas to come. And, who knows, maybe you'll be the lucky one who'll snag the elusive Captain's heart!

Catch the latest news here as this year's Winter Season events go into full swing.


In other news, the newly dubbed Lord Elvis Shunerman and Lady Jacqueline Baxter finally graced the Reiss hall with their much expected appearance. This newly engaged couple is expected to be joining the ranks of King Fritz's elite nobles.

Also, the honorable Dowager Duchess of Orvud, Your Grace, Claire Louise Fleminger, herself, graced the glittering hall despite some rumors of her waning health.

"I'm not about to bite the dust, yet, unfortunately for my enemies." The Duchess boldly announced last evening. "I' am still very much lively and could kick anyone's arses to teach them a lesson."

The Dowager, turning five and sixty a month from now on the 26th, still mourns for the death of her daughter, Lady Lavender Fleminger, and her husband, who was an honorary noble. The society is also aware of the death of her grandaughter, Claire Louise Lavender, due to a very unfortunate accident that occured almost twenty years ago, the same accident that claimed the life of her daughter and her husband, but the steadfast Duchess firmly believes that she'll meet her beloved grandaughter once more, despite the cold words spoken by the public that she'll never meet a dead person ever again. The Duchess still holds unto her beliefs, which makes the public consider her a "natural eccentric".

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