XXX. Mischief

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Ivanna happened to have one of her exploring days once again.

And usually, whenever it occurs, (F/N) was the only person in the house. Her grumpy and stressed uncle Nile was still in the Military Police office, probably working on overtime. Marie was still busy preparing for Rosemarie's debut, attending appointments with different seamstresses and tutors for her daughter. Rosemarie has etiquette, music, language and dance lessons. Jonas? Well, he was either at school or someplace else in the outskirts of Stohess, bullying someone or just skipping his math class.

But, that's not the issue here.

Ivanna happened to have one of her exploring days once again.

And when she's in her exploring mood, no other child her age, sugar induced or not, could stop her from going hyper - active.

"Ivanna!" (F/N) called for the hundredth time, trying to catch the hyper six year old who started running around the house. "Get back here."

"Ooh, a butterfly!" the adorable little copy of Marie Dawk shrieked gleefully, pointing at the yellow, flying thing that happened to get lost within the place.

The little girl ran after it, failing to notice that she's already outside the house. (F/N) ran after her, but she had to admit, she never gets tired chasing after the child no matter how hyper she gets.

The truth is, she fell in love with her the moment she set eyes on her.

"I'm flying! I'm flying like Mister butterfly! Wee!"

"Ivanna, wait for me!" (F/N) screamed and hastily went after the girl, who was trying to get out of the safety of their gates.

Meanwhile, on the other house, Levi was lying on a sofa, enduring one of his annoying morning headaches.

"Oh, fuck,..." he groaned, holding a cold compress against his head.

Hange's idea of disguise was horrible enough. He never really expected that wearing a wig for an extended period of time could give him such a headache.

And now, some brat, who happened to have gotten lost on his property ( or rather, Elvis Shunerman's property ), was shouting at the top of her lungs, distracting the silence and invading his privacy.

"How in the world?" he hissed as he got up from the sofa and went outside to see the invader.

He was beyond angry when he found messy little Ivanna playing with dirt just in front of the porch. He was even angrier when he realized that the reason why the brat managed to enter the gates was because Hange failed to lock it before going to the Capital.

"Wee! Wee! Wee! Goes Mister flower!" exclaimed Ivanna, messing around the once flawless garden and scattering dirt and flowers all over the place.

Levi was about to give the brat the scolding of her life when another voice suddenly invaded his personal space.

And it actually made him panic.

"Ivanna? Where are you?" he heard none other than (F/N), herself, say.

"Oh, shit!" Levi uttered and sped back to the house to get his blonde wig. He doesn't really want his cover to get blown.

(F/N) followed the voice of the little girl and it led her to the old white house that was located just two blocks away from their own. She cautiously peeked at the open, rusted gates, and right there, she found little Ivanna already laying waste to their neighbor's garden.

"Seriously?!" she exclaimed and entered the property without hesitation.

Ah, so much for fucking headaches, Levi thought as he hastily arranged his wig to cover all the raven - colored locks underneath. And when he reemerged from the house, he found (F/N) just beside the brat, probably scolding her for wandering off on her own.

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