LIII. Lovers

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So, that's what Elvis meant when he told her to say that she's alright the next morning when she woke up

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So, that's what Elvis meant when he told her to say that she's alright the next morning when she woke up.

Hell, even getting up was a chore; she had a freaking headache.

"Drank too much, eh?" Rosemarie uttered as she gave (F/N) some pills and a glass of cold water to ease her pain.

"I think,..." (F/N) answered as she finally managed to sit. She took the pills and the glass from her cousin and immediately consumed the medicine.

"You think? You even had Lord Shunerman bring you home last night. That's how wasted you were." Rosemarie reminded her as she removed her slipper and tucked her feet neatly beneath her on (F/N)'s bed.

And reminded (F/N) was. She and Elvis arrived home at, if she recalled correctly, about forty - five minutes past eleven. Her aunt, uncle, and Rosemarie, herself, arrived at approximately two in the morning. Or so Elvis mentioned. After all, he stayed with her until her family returned from the ball. He was also the one who mentioned to her uncle that she was too dizzy to stand that evening, so he took it as an initiative to take her home so she could rest.

Nile just uttered his thanks, but he seemed too suspicious of Elvis' motives. Who could blame him? Erwin Smith was her escort and not Elvis Shunerman.

But, other than that incident, she could not recall what else happened that night because she often drifted on and off sleep.

"Why did you leave him?"


Rosemarie faced (F/N) solemnly and took a few seconds before answering.

"Lord Smith. Why did you leave him last night?"

"What are you talking about - ouch!" (F/N) jolted after what she heard from Rosemarie that her headache kicked in again.

"Hey! Easy,..." Rosemarie said as she reached for her and helped her lie on the bed once more. "So, from the looks of it, you,... didn't leave him, yes?"

"What? I did not! Or maybe,..." (F/N) muttered as she rested her head on the soft down pillows. "I can't even remember. It was such a blur, and,..."

All of a sudden, memories of last night flooded back inside her head. Of him and Lord Reiss, those haughty nobles,...

... That seductive courtesan,...

Her heart dropped for a second.

Was it true what they said? That he had a mistress?

That he wanted her so she could be his next whore?

"It was such a blur, and,..." She repeated. "... I think he was the one who left me. That's how I got into drinking in the first place,..."

"That's a silly explanation. Why would Lord Smith leave you like that, huh?"

"How would I even know about that? And what's this Lord Smith business, anyway? I thought he's just a Commander,..."

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