XXIX. Lost

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Lecter Sanders, the doctor assigned on Scouting Legion patients that one fateful day, was having trouble on how he could properly execute the Commander's orders.

He was a man of vast knowledge when it comes to his field of expertise. He was actually sought after by the elites of Wall Sina because of that. He was also known for being the only Wall Rose expert who has successfully treated over a hundred patients during the course of only three years after graduating and passing the license exams. On top of that, he was also known for being the most calm and patient among his colleagues.

Doctor Lecter Sanders was also a man of his word.

A man of truth.

So, essentially, what the Commander of Scouting Legion was asking him to do was far beyond his imagination.

What he's asking him to do was downright illegal!

But, for a hefty price?

"No, no, no!" he said to himself as he walked down the hallway towards the designated room. "This is against my own will! But, why did I agree?!"

Yes, why did he agree?

When he finally reached the door that separated him from the said patient, he stopped, closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

He was aware of the danger this action and what it could cause him and his position should this thing gets out on public. The Commander knew that, as well. But, he promised to make sure that that would not happen. Not in a million years,...

Oh, hell and it's demons,...

He cleared his throat, readjusted his fine tie, and finally knocked on the door.

"Miss?" he called, and when no one answered, he decided to come in.

It was on that room that he found a very confused looking female who was looking out on the window. He closed the door and decided to get this thing over and done with.

"I'am glad that you are awake, Miss." he said nervously. "I'am Doctor Lecter Sanders of Jinae District, and I'm here to - "

But, he was interrupted when the girl looked at him with such confused eyes that he momentarily forgot his own troubles.

"Doctor?" she said to him, her wounds and bruises actually distracting the hell out of him.

"Yes, Miss?"

"What am I doing here?" she said.

"Oh, you were in a state of deep sleep. It's only natural that you feel - "



The girl looked as if she was on the verge of tears.

Doctor, expert, or not, Lecter's not really good with women.

Especially ones who are on the verge of tears.

"It's perfectly fine, Miss."

"It's not fine, doctor." she said, the pitch of her voice an octave higher.

"I'm afraid I don't understand,..."

"I don't understand all of this, as well." the girl went towards him and only stopped when she was just three feet away from him. "I,... can't remember anything!"

"You,... can't remember,... anything?"

"Even my own name!" she whined. "Doctor, who am I? What am I doing here? Why am I dressed like this?"

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