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Put your story text here...Chapter 2

Lora and I were in 9th grade math class when all of a sudden we heard Mr. Burger, our school principle, on the intercom, "All girls please go to the rugby field for the defense class's, which will start in five minutes." he announced, all the girls in our class cheered and started walking out the class.

"Hey Anna, how about we just bunk defense classes today, huh?" asked me while giving me a mischief grin, I couldn't help but laugh.

"No Lora we can't, remember the last time we bunked class??...Yea, well since then the teachers are keeping an eye on us. ya know!" I said to her, while she gave me an innocent look and said, "Hey it's not my fault Coach Martin was there when we put the stink bomb in the boy's bathroom, if he didn't show up it would have worked!"

About a month ago Lora and I decided that we should bunk Science class, and put stink bombs in the boy's bathroom, which Lora's little brother made, just for the fun of it but while Lora and I were hiding the stink bombs, which would explode if anyone opened the doors to the first 3 toilets, Coach Martin cam in and scared Lora causing her to drop the stink bomb in her hand, causing a very loud BOOOM and making it a very stinky situation. It took Lora and I about FIVE DAYS to get the stink out of our hair and bodies, plus 5 detentions and we had to clean the boy's bathroom. And since then Lora and Coach Martin have been the best's friends..... NOT!!!

We made our way to the rugby field which was packed with girls from the 8th to the 12th grade including the teachers and I mean all the female teachers including Mrs. Crony, an old, ugly, batty lady that could scare the crap out of anyone, even principle Burger was scared of her, which is saying a lot.

'Ha, this is going to be very entertaining', I thought. Just thinking of Mrs. Crony needing defense classes, with a face and a smile like hers is enough to scare the attacker shitless, just thinking about it made me give out a little giggle, which made Lora look at me in confusion.

"Just wondering why Mrs. Crony needs defense classes, with a face and smile like hers it'll scare the poor attacker." I said making her laugh so hard that everyone and I mean EVERYONE looked at us, which made Lora blush and stop laugh.

"Miss Lora Jones and Miss Suanna Leon , would you like to share with everyone what is so funny, surly it will make us all laugh." said Mrs. Crony with a smug smile on her old hag face, and just then about six SUPER HOT guys appeared on the rugby field.

And when I say SUPER HOT I mean it. They were all maybe 6f tall, all muscular with 8 pack and all, with military style hair, and all had natural tanned skin and best yet, they were SHIRT LESS!!!! The warm winter sun coming out of the dark clouds, shining on them; making them look like military GODS!! Causing all the girls, including Lora and TEACHERS drool which was so WRONG! I mean okay yea they're HOT! But um drooling is so unattractive.

"Good morning ladies" all six of the HOT GODS said , which caused all the students and teachers gasp for air. Me? Well I was just trying to get Lora's attention. When that girl is drooling over boys, the world could explode and she won't even notice.

"My name is John and I'm the leader of the group." said John in an American accent with a smirk, which I totally wanted to slap off but from the way Mrs. Crony was looking at him, it might be a bad idea.

John was the only blond one in the group the rest and blue black hair, he had green eyes with a hint of blue, and I swear if you looked into his eyes long enough you could see a faint goldish shine from them. He had a straight nose and a very strong looking jaw and a tattoo of a dark angel, which was on its knees with its hands up high, in the middle of his chest.

"We're called The Defenders; we help young ladies like you learn how to defend yourselves, if anyone tries to grab you or if a situation with a boy ...gets out of hand." John said grinning; looking straight at Lora, which is weird since she's never had problems with boys, from what I know. "Let me first introduce you to the rest of my group and then divide you, young ladies in groups." said John grinning at Mrs. Crony

And with that, one of the HOTTIES toke a step toward us, he had black, blue hair and very dark brown, silver eyes. He had darker skin than John but good looking none the less, he had a crooked nose which looked natural and had a strong jaw. He had the same tattoo as John but on top op the angel's head was a face of a howling wolf.

'I wonder what the angel and the wolf combined meant', I thought.

"Hey my name is Josh; I will be in charge of group one. I specialize in karate and capoeira." Josh said in a Brazilian accent, giving all the girls a big flirtatious smile, which made me want to gag.

The next three guys, which all had Brazilian accent's, were almost similar to Josh. Two had sky blue eyes (Michael and Marco) and the other one dark green eye's (Austen); all three had hints of silver and faint goldish shine which any human eye could miss. Michael and Marco had a straight nose's, with a scare going from their right temple to the bottom jaw, they looked almost like twins. Austen had a crooked nose which didn't look natural at all, all three had the same tattoo has Josh. They all said the same thing as Josh; they all specialized in the same thing. Michael was in charge of group two, Marco group three and Austen group four.

The Last one looked familiar; I just can't remember where I've seen him. He had dark brown hair with natural blond high lights, he had hazel eye's and had the same tattoo as John but it wasn't exactly black, on the angel it's wing was out lined with gold.

I know I've seen it before I just don't remember where, I thought to myself. But he didn't introduce himself to us, I wonder.....

"Anna! Hello earth to Anna??" said Lora while waving her hands in front of me trying to get my attention.

"oh ..huh. yea what's wrong?" I asked Lora. She gave me a 'you okay' look, I just nodded.

"Well they going to call out our names, so concentrate so..." Lora was interrupted by John "Okay you're all in groups, now group leaders, start TEACHING!!!" he said loudly.

Lora and I just looked at each other, confused; John didn't tell us which groups we were in which gave me an idea ... a very good idea..... Hehe

"Anna why in hell are you smiling, Mr. John HOT forgot about us, is that a reason to be smiling?? Have you finely lost your marbles? Huh?" Lora said in an irritated manner.

"Nooo, Lora of course not, but hey we not part of the groups so we might as well go have some fun, huh?" I said to Lora in a playful tone and saw that we were on the same page.

"So you have an idea to what we should do??" Lora asked curiously

"How about we go and prank Mrs. Crony, she's totally going to love what I have in store for her." I said to Lora with a wink and a smug grin on my face.

I was about to tell Lora what I had in mind for Mrs. Crony, when suddenly I felt a stab of pain in my chest, it felt like I was breath in fire and peaces of glass instead of air , I clutched my hands against my chest, hoping that the pain would go away. It got worse and worse, my knees couldn't handle the weight and I just fell to the ground on my knees. Lora saw the pain in my face, I could see that her lips moving, screaming my name, but I couldn't hear, for a second it was like the whole world stopped right in front of my eye's and all of a sudden everything became black and the last thing I remember seeing was John and him looking back at me smiling.

Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it was short, or not good enough next time will be better

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