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Chapter 22

Suanna's POV:

"Anna, wake up..." I heard Mnie's voice; I was in such a great, dark place that I didn't want to wake up.

"UGH! Five more minutes!" I mumbled, pulling the covers over me. I heard a few people chuckle.

"Oh let the poor girl sleep. I bet she's still weak from yesterday's power usage." I heard Jake say and that got my full attention.

I shot up on my bed, in a sitting position and looked around the room, everything started to come back to me... me crying... Manie kissing me... Drake giving me a bossy look... and me sending him and the army that was in my room to hell knows where.

I rubbed my eyes, "Ugh! I wish I lost my memory!" I said in my morning voice that really sounded like I hadn't drunk water in days.

I herd Manie sigh, he was standing by the edge of my bed; I think he moved when I shot up from the bed. I'm guessing I took him by surprise.

"Yea we all wish that." he said shaking his head, he walked towards his bed and started making it.

"How you're feeling?" Jake asked, he was now standing in front of my bed with a towel in hand.

I thought about that for a second. I felt kind of tired and sleepy but nothing I could not handle, but then I felt a pain on the small of my back and the lower part of my tummy.

Uh-ho. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. James was still in the bathroom doing hell knows what, so when I came barging in he was shocked and surprised.

"Um... emergency!" I yelled pulling him towards the door and pushing him out, I immediately locked the door and sighed.

I went to check, and yes, my little red friend came for a visit today! I groan this was going to be a very long and painful day!

I took a shower and got dressed in my pj's again. I came out of the bathroom, everyone was still in the room and James, well, he looked somewhat pissed.

"Sorry James I really had to use the bathroom." I said to him apologetically.

"Yea you needed to use the bathroom and decided to take a shower," he said, with a huge attitude. Okay, aren't I suppose to be the one with the mood?

"What in hell crawled up you ass and didn't die?" I said with my bitchy attitude.

"Ugh!" he groaned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door with more force then he needed.

I heard Manie and Jake chuckle I glared at them.

"What you two laughing at?" I said, I was kind of getting moody, all thanks to my little red friend!

"Well let's just say that James is on his man period." Manie said and with that they bust out laughing.

I arched an eyebrow at them; I was kind of confused and shock, "Ok-k-k-k-ay!" I said moving to my bed and decided to check it, and lucky nothing red landed on the sheets.

"Okay let me explain, a man period is when a guy wakes up in a very bad mood in the morning." Jake explained, I looked at them and nodded.

I decided to just get back into bed, since it was Saturday and most of my homework was done for the rest of the week and plus I wasn't going to get hungry if I fell asleep.

"So you okay, Anna?" Manie asked sounding concurred; I gave them a small smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I said surpassing a yawn, I was totally going to fall sleep in 30 seconds tops, if I closed my eyes.

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