Chapter 8
Suanna's POV:
After I closed the metal connection with Lora I feel asleep instantly and unfortunately I didn't have a dreamless sleep. I was in a big opened field with flowers all-around it smelled like roses and lavender; it was sunny and bright. I was standing there looking at the most beautiful view, I was wearing a long sun dress, and I was bier foot with my hair loss down my shoulders. Everything was peaceful and quiet but suddenly I a beautiful woman appear in front of me, she had long gold blond hair, beautiful baby blue eyes that shone with happiness and thin lips which was carved in a beautiful smile that could melt Antarctica with it's warmth, she was wearing the same sundress as I was but she looked a lot better, she was my height and was also bier foot.
"My child you look beautiful as I've always imagined" the beautiful lady said in a sweet honey coated voice, everything about this woman was beautiful, wait did she just call me beautiful? No one has ever said that to me, I didn't know what to say, she chuckled, "My child, don't be shy, nor, afraid of me, I will never hurt you." she said smiling warmly
"Who are you?" I was able to choke out; she just smiled at me, "My child I am Leehann, you will learn about me soon but first I have to tell you something." she said warily, her smiled carved into a frown, but still she looked beautiful, "You are in grave danger, you and everyone around you and you are the only one that can stop the dangers that come your way." she said sadly, I just looked at her and didn't know what to say, "I'm in danger? How can that be possible, I have mad no enemies, well except Olivia but I can handle her. "I said trying to think about of what she just said.
"My child, you will soon find out the dangers that will come your way, I can not give you any more then that, but what I can say is that a lot of people will try to help, you must except that help no matter who it is, but in the end you must over come him yourself." she said, I could see tears about to over flow from her eyes, it really hurt me to see her like this and I don't know why, I don't even know her! "What do you mean I must over come him, who's him?" I said confessed and hoping I would get an answer, she just shook her head, "My child I am really sorry, I tried to keep you from our world, but I had to let you be found, your he only one that can save us from one of us. I can say no more my child, I truly am sorry." she said and with that she disappeared, leaving me there all alone and confused. What did she mean me and the one's around me are in danger? And I'm the only one that can save us from one of us? And most importantly who in hell is 'he'?
I was suddenly pulled back into reality by something, or better yet, someone shaking me, "Wake up sleeping beauty its time to wake up." I herd a voice say, sleeping beauty? Oh right that must be Manie. My eyes suddenly flew open, and I could see Manie smiling, "I thought I would have to kiss you to wake you up." Manie said smirking at the idea, which gave me the creeps, I think I liked it when guys didn't even notice me.
I saw that everyone was awake and moving around, Jake was doing his bed, he was fully dressed in his uniform with his sleeves rolled up to his elbow, James was packing his bag he to looked like Jake and his bed was made but Manie, well lets just say his bed wasn't made properly, and he still had to get dressed. I got up and made my bed and got my toiletries bag out, "Does anyone still have to use the bathroom I asked, and they all shook their heads, thank goodness because seriously I wanted to take my time in the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and I saw what I always saw, a okay looking girl with dark brown wavy long hair and big dark brown eyes, with scares on her face, ugh I seriously need to cover those up, but hey if people don't like what they see then they shouldn't look. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, but left my hair as it was because it was really wavy and if I brushed it, it would just ruin it. I got out of the bathroom and everyone was just chilling doing nothing waiting for something, but I didn't bother asking for what, I got to my bed and took my school uniform out and headed to the bathroom, after I was done getting dressed I looked at myself again in the mirror, I didn't look to bad, the skirt was about and inch before my knees which was good since I have thickish legs and a big butt, which is so not flattering, everything fit me perfectly. I got out of the bathroom and made my way to my bed to make sure everything was good and organized and when I turned to look at the guys they were all starting and I could see an emotion in their eye's but couldn't make out what it was so I just cleared my throat, they stopped staring at me and I swear I saw James turn a shade of red and Manie smirk, okay I really miss South Africa!

Fantasystory about the a girl that has a normal life around humans, then she finds out that she's the only female witch alive. She then taken to a school where all magical beings live together and there she ends up finding out that she's not a normal witch.