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Chapter 12

Lora's POV:

In one split second Arthur was off me and was standing stretching out his hand towards me, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"Sorry to interrupt." Chad said with a smirk looking at me, I felt my cheeks heating up so I looked away.

"What do you want Chad?" Arthur asked sounding annoyed, Chad just shrugged.

"Just came to see how our new vampire's doing." he said still smirking; Arthur just nodded and went to get his gym bag and I just glared at Chad, which made him chuckle.

"What do you want Chad?" I asked with irritation and annoyance dripping in every word, I really do not like this guy, he's just too cocky, and he just ruined the moment, asshole!

"Nothing much, I hope you ready for tomorrow." he said, I looked at him in confusion, "What's happening tomorrow?" I asked him, he just shrugged.

"Oh nothing much, just that tomorrow the witches, vampires, and werewolves are going to fight." he said looking at Arthur, "You didn't tell her? tsk tsk tsk." Chad said shaking his head. I looked at both men confused; why in hell are well all going to fight tomorrow? I thought all the creatures here lived in harmony....I snorted at that thought.

I herd Arthur sigh, "I was about to tell her." Arthur said in a stern voice, Chad raised an eyebrow; nodded and walked away.

There was a few minutes of awkward silence and I could see that I would be the one breaking it; I looked at Arthur, "Well are you going to tell me?" I asked curious, he sighed again.

"Tomorrow is practical day; it's when all the vampires, werewolves, and witches are going to fight each other, to see who's the strongest and powerful. And it also counts for your report, fail this practical then you might fail your grade." he explained.

"So you mean that everyone like fights with everyone? Vampires verses Witches or Werewolves verses Vampires?" I asked, he nodded and started walking and I followed.

"Yes, you see there won't be classes tomorrow because, since there are about nine hundred students, everyone will technically pass the day on the field, in the beginning you will fight your own kind vampires with vampires and so on, and each group will have a teacher grading each student. But then after in each group chooses there finalists, about ten the maximum. When the finalists are chosen they go to the teacher in charge, which would be Marcus, and then each person can choose who they want to fight, for example, if you and Anna make the finalists, she can chose to fight you, and if you win the vampires get a point and visa verse, but if you decline the challenge, it's a show of weakness, so never decline. Every finalist is aloud to fight twice, after every finalist has fought, the win is pointed out." Arthur finished explaining and by now we were at the dinning hall. While he was explaining I didn't really pay attention, I was to busy thinking about what happened a few minutes ago. Was he really going to kiss me? The thought of kissing him sent shivers down my spin and made me blush at the same time.

"Hey there's Suanna and Rory." Arthur said when we entered the dinning hall, waving at Rory that was sitting opposite Anna at the table next to the window on the left of the room.

We walked towards their table, "Hello ladies mind if we join." Arthur said when we approached then, "Ah, no duh." Rory said laughing; I went and sat next to Anna while Arthur, with a huge smile on his face, sat facing me.

"So Lora, my sister for life, ready to get your ass kicked tomorrow?" Anna asked smirking and winking at me, I just laughed.

"Me? Getting my ass kicked? Please if I can take on Arthur I can take on anyone of these vamps." I said feeling confident, nudging Anna with my shoulder.

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