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Chapter 16

Lora's POV:

It's been a week since the practical day, and I couldn't believe I fought against Karen. it was actually really fun and luckily I passed.

I couldn't help but notice that this whole week Anna has been acting really weird, she hasn't been talking much and she's always in her room; every time I see her she has this worried expression on her face, every time I ask her what's wrong she, looks at me and gives me a sad smile and he excuse is always 'just thinking'.

And Arthur, well his mysteriously disappeared after the practical and I haven't seen him since then. Since Anna isn't acting like her left and always wanting to be alone and since Arthur isn't around for my training session I usually hang out with Megan and Monica. But to be honest I miss my old Anna.

I sighed, it was study now, and I've been trying to do my Math homework for about an hour and haven't even done half of it. I thought vampires were suppose to be smart and fast at everything, I groaned.

'I'll never finish this!', I thought to myself, I totally miss Anna like right now because she would usually sit next to me and she would usually do my Math homework.

I was busy looking at my Math problem when I felt some one sit opposite me. I looked up and a smile spread on my face. It was Arthur; he also had a smile on his handsome face.

I couldn't help but just look at him; I noticed that his green eyes glowed with what looked like happiness and love, his dark brown and gold hair looked really messy, I had the urge to run my fingers throw but I was able to keep my hand on my lap. His face was flawless, but his had a faint scar by his right eye. He looked so perfect and so...gorges.

I herd him chuckle and I couldn't help but look away and blush, I bet he noticed me almost drooling over him. He took my note pad and the pen I had in my hand and started writing on the note pad. He passed the note pad back to me.

'You look so cute when you blush' he wrote and I must say his hand writing was neat for a man; I couldn't help but blush more. I thought vampires couldn't blush!

'Thanks, where'd you disappeared to this entire week?' I wrote and passed it back to him, he read it. He smiled.

'Wouldn't you like to know' he wrote, I looked up to him and he winked at me.

'Hey, don't steel my sayings! So what's going on?' I wrote back, knowing that he wouldn't just come and pay me a friendly visit. He read it and sighed.

'Can't I come and visit now?' he wrote, I looked up and gave him a 'don't BS me' look, and he just sighed and took the pad.

'Mistress Karen would like to see you and Anna after study in her office. She has a few things to tell you and it's really important. By the way where's Anna." he wrote looking around the study.

'Anna's in her room and has been there ever since our last class.' I wrote and he just nodded.

'Well get her and go to Karen.' he wrote and with that he gave ma a warm smile and walked away.... okay weird....

I opened my mental link with Anna; hopefully she won't open it and close it like she's been doing for a few days.

*Anna I have something important to tell you* I mentally said to her, hoping she's keep the link open.

*What Lora?" she sighed.

*After Study Karen wants to see us, so be there, 'kay. Arthur said that what she has to say is important.* I said and with that I felt her close the link.

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