Chapter 10
After Rory dragged me to the other side field she started lecturing me on that we should first start doing some physical exercises, to get my body as fit as possible, because the stronger your body is the stronger your power is. After about five laps around the big football field I was ready to just collapse; my leg muscles were killing me and I felt my lungs on fire.
"Rory... rest... ten... seconds...please..." I said in between breathes, Rory looked like she hadn't done anything at all, she just nodded.
After about five seconds I pulled myself up straight and I could feel the fire in my lungs slowly go away. Rory made me stretch what seemed every muscle in my body. After about 20minutes of stretching and warming up we sat down on the soft grass folding our legs chine's style and started meditating. After 10 minutes I started getting really annoyed with all the "Aaammmm", yea it might seam calming but it can get on your nervous, I think Rory felt my annoyance because she suddenly stopped; I could feel her eyes on me so I opened mine.
"Since you're annoyed with the way I meditate then how about we do it your way." Rory said each word dripping with irritation and annoyance, I just nodded afraid that if I said something she might make me suffer for it later.
We both closed our eyes and stayed silent, both of us keeping our minds clear and open. We did that for about 12 more minutes and I must say it was better then the "Aaammmm", I could feel Rory getting up and I did the same.
"Now Anna, do you know any spells?" Rory asked seeming happy and calm, I just shook my head and looked at her apologetically, she sighed, "Well better get to work then." she said walking to wards her bag and taking out what seemed like been bags and laid it about ten feet away from me.
"Now the first thing I want you to do it try and lift up all the been bag, hold your hand up, like you pointing to the object and just say the word 'effero' (NA: effero is 'lift up' in Latin') and the only thing you think about is lifting that specific object" Rory said demonstrating what I should do then took a step back.
I stood there and held my hand up, thinking only of the bags, "Effero." I said and nothing happened, "Effero." I tried the second time, and all bags suddenly flew up and stayed in the air for two seconds then fell to the ground.
"Good now lets try it again and see if you can hold all of them for 2 minutes." Rory said and with that I started again. After what seemed like my 200th time doing the same spell I could hold all the bags for 3 minutes.
"Okay good now lets work on something heavier and harder to lift." Rory walked to where the bags were and just stood there, "Try and lift me up, don't me scared, because I'm not." she said giving me a challenging smile.
I took a deep breath and looked at her, since I didn't really need to hold my hand up, concentrating on lifting her up, 'Effero' I said in my mind and saw Rory lift about an inch from the ground, she raised in eyebrow and smiled, I did it again and this time she was flouting in the air, I could feel my head ach from concentrating so hard on keeping her in the air. I held her in the air for like 30 seconds till I couldn't handle the ache in my head and she feel face first to the ground, I couldn't help but laugh a little and she joined me.
"Well that was fun, how about we do it again." Rory said winking, I just smiled. We tried it over and over again. Rory was flouting 15feet up in the air and I could hold her there for about 5minutes, in the end I was exhausted but Rory looked like she had fun.
"Anna, that was so fun, we're totally doing that again tomorrow and a few more exercises, but before you go I want you to try and shield yourself just like you did when Olivia attacked you, do you remember which spell you used?" she asked me.

Fantasystory about the a girl that has a normal life around humans, then she finds out that she's the only female witch alive. She then taken to a school where all magical beings live together and there she ends up finding out that she's not a normal witch.