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Chapter 7

"Ha-ha, funny Chad now take me to my room." I said to Chad, glaring at him, "This is your room." he said smirking at me. "Uh Chad we not aloud to share the same room with girls, it's in the rules." one the guys said, looked uneasy, "Well Mistress Karen said it was either here or with Olivia, but I personally prefer with you stayed with Olivia your drama would be fun to watch but since I have no say, you're going to stay right here." he said amused. I looked at him, "You're such an ass you know that!" I sighed, "Fine." I said, stretching out my hand for my bag, "Good girl." and with that he gave me my bag and left the room.

After he left, everyone was silent, I didn't want to break it but if I didn't who would? When I was about to talk one of the guys beat me to it, "Well I guess you'll be rooming with us huh? By the way I'm Jake" he said uneasy, he was my height; he had little brown hair cut shirt, blue eyes and tanned skin. I nodded, "I'm Suanna but you can call me Anna, sorry by the way." I said, he just chuckled, "It's okay as long as you stay on your side, we'll stay on ours." he said with a warm smile. "Wouldn't having it any other way." I said smiling "Well hey don't mind us hey, I mean since we'll be sharing a room and all." said one of the guys sitting on the bed near the window, he had gold colored hair, silver eyes and a nice tan, I couldn't help but laugh a little, he smiled and got up, "I'm Manuel, but you can call me Manie." he said stretching out his hand, I nodded and shook his hand, "And I'm James." the other one guy said, he had blond hair and brown eyes and tanned skin, they were all buff and wearing black khaki pants, with a white shirt and the same pullover that Lora had on with the same angel in silver. And they all had American accents.

"Nice to meet you all, um.... I'm guessing I'm sleeping there?" I stupidly asked, pointing at the white covered bad, in the corner, "Yea, make yourself at home." Jake said I nodded and made my way to the bed; I put my stuff down and took out my toiletries and pj's, "Um..." I said looking for the bathroom, "The bathrooms over there." Manie said pointing at the door next to the closet, I mumbled a 'thanks' to him and made my way to the bathroom. The boy's bathroom looked exactly the same as Olivia's. I changed into my black pj's and did what I needed in the bathroom, when I got out of the bathroom I noticed that the guys had already changed into shorts and t shirts.

"Hey Anna, Chad came by and brought you a package, it's on your the bed. "James said, I nodded and said "Thanks". I went to my bed and there was a package wrapped in plastic, I opened the packaged and in it was my school uniform, I sighed and put the package next to my bed and sat on my bed, "Hey um guys.... what time does school start and what time do we have to wake up?" I asked them, by this time Jake and James were in bed, "Well school starts at 08:30." I herd Jake say, "But we have to be at the dinning hall at 07:00." said James, "Don't worry I'll wake you up sleeping beauty." Manie said in a flirty tone, leaning against the door frame, he smiled and winked at me, oh great I have a player as a roommate! "Um... good to know." I said to him nodding slowly and getting into bed. "Well lights out, good night." Jake said, "Good night" we all said, and with that I opened the mental link to Lora.

Lora's POV:

After Anna left I stayed with Monica and the gang for about ten more minutes till the guys said that they'd better get going because they had a few things to do before bed, we said our goodbye's to the guys and then headed to our room.

"I wonder where Anna's going to room with." Megan said while getting in our room, "Yea I really hope she's not staying in the same room as Olivia, Olivia would kill her in her sleep." Monica said in a wary tone, "Yea, let's just say that Olivia isn't the person you would want to embarrass, but it was so fun watching her in that state in the dinning room!" Megan said really happily, "Yea no one really like her, well except the guys, lets just say she's easier then any one I've ever seen. She's slept with like more then half of the guys in this school and the one's she hasn't slept with are the one's that don't want her" Monica said in disgust while going into the bathroom.

"So she's like the school's whore, who's the school's man whore?" I asked Megan, she just looked at me and laughed and soon I joined her, "Well if you mean players, it would be Manie; his the biggest player in this school. His dated most of the girls but his a player/gentlemen type; he always makes the girl break up with him first." Megan said, with a big smile on her face, and just then I herd Monica laugh, "Yea Megan you would know." she said winking at me, Megan just glared at her, "Yea well at least I'm not the one that has a crush on every hot professor , which would mean, oh I don't know all the male professors." Megan said with a smirk, I couldn't help but laugh.

"No way, you're crushing on the professors?" I said, amused, she turned red; "No I'm not! I just think their hot." she said defensively, Megan and I just giggled, "Okay; okay we better get going to bed because tomorrow's going to be a long day." Monica said, and with that I went to change into boxers and old T shirt and went to bed.

When I was about to fall asleep I herd the mental connection I had with Anna open, *Lora you have no idea of what just happened to me!*, I herd Anna say in my head, *What happened not? Please don't tell me you turned your roommate into a frog* I said to her amused at the idea, 'I wonder if witches can do that' I thought, luckily Anna can't hear what I don't want her to hear, which means she didn't hear that... hehe

*Ha-ha, funny Lora I'm serious! You will never guess who I'm sharing a room with!*, she exclaimed, *Well if I'm guessing you going to tell me, since I won't be able to guess* I said to her sarcastically, *Lora, don't go all bitchy now, I'm sharing a room with three guys* she said, wait did I hear her right three guys? *WAIT, WHAT!? THREE GUYS!* I exclaimed *Anna you sure? I mean maybe when you used the red shield maybe you used a little to much power and now you can't like um, tell the difference between male and female* I said hoping I was right, *LORA! from what I can see they don't wear bra's because um maybe BECAUSE THEIR MEN AND THEY DON'T HAVE BOOBS!!!!* she mentally yelled at me,*OKAY! I'M SORRY YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO YELL AT ME! I'm just surprised that's all* I yelled back.

*Okay yea, I'm sorry for yelling, it's just a lot has happened today and I feel like I can't take it any more, you know* she said in a calm voice, *Yea I understand but how in hell did you end up with three guys as roommates? Doesn't this school have rules like girls sleep in the girl's dorm and boys sleep in the boy's dorms?* I asked, I herd her mentally sigh, *Yea there is but it was either I stay with the guys or stay with Olivia* she said, *Hey you should of stayed with Olivia, maybe you could of turned her into a frog* I said giggling mentally, liking the idea, I don't know why but frogs have always fascinated me.. He-he.

*Okay Lora I know what I'm getting you for your birthday!* Anna said, and I swear if I was looking at her right now I would of seen her roll her eyes, "Oh really what you getting me* I asked enthusiastic, *I'm getting you a frog, and maybe if you kiss it, it might turn into your prince charming* she said sarcastic, "Anna sarcasm does not suet you and you know I'm fascinated with frogs so just get over it!* I said to her, *Okay fine but, ugh why did this happen to me? Why weren't you the one stuck with the guys?* she said, frustrated, *I really don't know, by the way are your roommates good looking?* I asked, I herd her mentally sigh, *Yea they are, they are good looking, one's Jake his kind of the serious one, James his the shy one and then there's Manie, well his kind of the player type* Anna said. NO WAY! She's sharing a room with MANIE!

*Anna, you know that MANIE is the schools biggest played!* I mental squeaked, *Um Lora your point is?* Anna asked bluntly, I swear that girl is n fun at all! *Well being the best friend that you are, you know I love you right, you going to introduce me to him* I said excited, *Yea sure you only love me when you need something* she said, I laughed * Thanks SUE! Now get some sleep because tomorrow is another day for a new war and since you've made great friends I suggest we sleep* I said, yawning *Okay good night, thanks for listening* she said and with that I felt the link close.

I can not believe that Anna's stuck in a room full of guys and most importantly without me? Ugh oh well might as well be happy that I still have Anna and that I found a new home, and with that as my last thought I fell into a dreamless sleep.

hey guys!!!! Hope you guys like this chapter!!

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