Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lora's POV:

I was listening to Anna's idea to prank Mrs. Crony when suddenly; I saw Anna's eyes open in shock and her breathing coming in gasps like she couldn't breathe.

"Anna, you okay?" I asked worried, but it was like she couldn't hear me. She clutched her hands against her chest and just collapsed. "ANNA!!! Someone help please Anna's not breathing!!!!" I shouted, and just then Anna fainted.

'Oh no, please no not again!' I though desperately 'Please wake up before something happens'

"Miss Lora, what happened?" Asked Miss Adams, our History teacher, in shock "I don't know, one minute we were talking the next she looked like she couldn't breathe and then fainted." I said in a shaky voice, but honestly I kind of knew what happened but of course I couldn't tell her or she would end up thinking I was going crazy. I felt a hand on my shoulder; I quickly turned to see who it was, it was John telling everyone to move away from Anna, and everyone did. He bent down and put 2 fingers under her jaw against her throat, to feel for a pulse.

"She's still has a pulse, but her breathing isn't good, Mrs. Crony I would like to have permission to take Anna to the hospital." he said calmly in his American accent to the old hag, who just nodded in agreement, "Of course John go take her, I'll call her parents." John picked Anna up bridle style and started walking to the parking lot.

"Mrs. Crony, please may I go with them? Please." I pleaded to the old hag, which to my surprised said, "Yes, of course go." and with that I ran full force to John who was about to drive off in a 2010 Toyota 4Runner, I opened the door to the passenger seat and got in, John, to my surprised looked happy to see me, immediately locked the doors, with no questions what so ever as to why I came with them. We were driving up passed the shopping center at full speed when I noticed that John didn't make a turn, "Hey you missed a turn! The hospital is that way you idiot, GO BACK!!" I screamed at him pointing back, "Now who said we were going to the hospital." he said giving me a smirk.

'Oh God we're being kidnapped!' I started to panic. I think he saw the horror expression on my face because he started laughing, "I'm not kidnapping you don't worry, lets just say I'm taking you and your friend to a very special doctor" he said, and just then he stopped the car in front of a normal looking house that was painted a goldish orange, with a green fence around it, two garages which were closed with, , two big windows both covered with white thick curtains as if these people had something to hide, or maybe they did. The front garden looked plain and normal with yellow dead grass, because of winter, around the brick pavement which went from the garage to the fence, the house looked normal, too normal.

John got a fence remote control out the glove compartment and opened the fence. He parked in front of the house and out of no where a guy opened my door, picked me up and swung me over his bare shoulder "HEY WHAT THE HELL!!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I screamed and started hitting and kicking him, which made him laugh, and the way I was over his shoulder gave me a perfect view of his behind ... He-he yum... Lora focus, I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey calm down little girl I wont hurt you." the guy said in a Russian accent, John was right behind us with Anna in his arms in a bridle style, which looked totally cute but what ruined the picture was that Anna looked really pale and it looked like she wasn't even breathing. The Russian guy stopped and put me down right in the middle of what looked and smelled like a really stuffy TV room with white painted walls and dark carpets that looked stained. The room had a really dirty, dark red colored couch that look really lumpy and didn't look very comfy to lie on; there was also a small coffee table that reached below my knees, that was in between the flat screen TV and couch.

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