Chapter 19
"Hope I'm not interrupting..." I herd a familiar voice say from behind me...
I don't know what got into me but I immediately jumped up and stood protectively with my back to Drake. I have no idea why I did it but something inside me told me I was right.....
Standing in front of me was Chad, smirking. That guy never stops smirking! I have never seen him truly smile.
I folding my arms across my chest, when I saw it was just him. I gave him a death glare that could kill a rhino but unfortunately it did nothing to him.
"I see the new witch is getting some action." he said amused wiggling his eyebrows to Drake, who I think was still sitting on the ground.
I herd a growl come from behind me... did I mention that Drake was kind of half wolf. No? Well his dad is of course a witch and his mother's a werewolf. But he got more of his father's genes so his more in the witch category... oh and he also can't shape shift into a werewolf...
My head snapped backwards to see a very red and pissed of Drake, I made a mental note not to ever get him pissed off.
Drake was red, his lips were up in a snarl, and his eyes looked murderess. His body was tense, like he was ready for a fight, and his hands were in fists.
I backed up a little kind of scared of the Drake standing before me.
I herd Chad chuckle, "Wow, dude calm down. I was just joking! Don't go all witch-werewolf on me now." Chad said amused with hands raised up, taking a few stapes back.
I looked at Drake and saw that his face was going from a light red to his normal tan-ish self. But he was still glaring at Chad, and his body wasn't so tense.
"What do you want Chad?" I asked with irritation, glaring at him. I was really pissed off, he ruined a great moment, and he got Drake pissed off.
Chad sighed, "Just came to check on you, making sure that Drake there wasn't taking advantage of you." He said the last part looking at Drake, which made Drake laugh without humor.
"Are you serious? Chad you know me I would never do that." Drake said, he sounded hurt in away. I'm guessing they were friends... or something like that...
"Yea I've slept with some of the girls but you exactly they wanted to and so did I." he said looking Chad straight in the eye. I couldn't help but gasp.
Yea I knew that I wasn't his first girlfriend and of course he isn't a virgin like me... but what he said kind of shocked and surprised me and not in a good way, and sort of hurt... I know I sound like a softy that got hurt with any anything but trust me if you were in my place you would have felt the same...
When I gasped Drake looked at me like he just noticed I was a few feet next to him.
I think he saw the shock and hurt on my face because he took a few steps towards me and I took a few steps back.
"Anna, please. I'm so sorry I said that!" he said looking sad and guilty.
I looked at him; I could feel my lips turn into a frown. I looked at him and then Chad, who was now looking at me with a serious and sympathetic expression.
"We'll talk later Drake." I said in a neutral tone, looking down and started walking away. I felt a tear go down my cheek... Ugh I can't believe I'm crying just because my boyfriend said he had a sex life... UGH!
But to tell the truth I just had to cry, I couldn't hold it anymore. Everything that happened these last few months came back to me, me leaving home, sweet, sweet home.

خيال (فانتازيا)story about the a girl that has a normal life around humans, then she finds out that she's the only female witch alive. She then taken to a school where all magical beings live together and there she ends up finding out that she's not a normal witch.