Saviour Instead of a Villain

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There was that rude, unemotional side to him again. I sigh. It's important for me to not be hurt to to his insensitive words because I'm not here to be his compatible soulmate. I'm here to save him.

Jungkook sits down on his bed and motions his hand for me to sit beside him. I stay frozen in my stance.

"Try again Playboy, I ain't never gon be on your bed," I snap.
Jungkook looks at me strangely and bursts out laughing.

     Jungkook looks at me strangely and bursts out laughing

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"You have got to relax. I hope you realize you aren't my type at all. And why would I try anything, when you have a boyfriend?"
Oh yeah, I forgot Taehyung and I were fake dating.

"Bro Code are the rules. I'm just here to help. Am I not allowed to be a decent human being?"

"C'mon Jungkook, when have we been decent human beings to each other?"

"You make a fairly good point. I just feel so guilty about what happened today. I can't believe Ji Hee could be cruel to you..." he looks down in shame.
"And I feel like it's all my fault. God I just want to die." He exhales a deep breath.

Instinctively, I Dashi Run Run Run and sit beside him on the bed.

"No no no! Don't say that. It wasn't in your intentions for Ji Hee to hurt me!" I patted his shoulder to assure him.
"Yeah, but I'm a bystander sometimes, and it screws all the people around me over..." He then unexpectedly smiles.

"I thought you said you'd never ever sit down on the bed, next to me, a Playboy?"

I get up and tried to make up an excuse. "Uh, uh well you said you wanted to die..." I smack my head with my hand. "OH wait that's more of your dark humor?"

    "Duh." He clicks his tongue and says "badum tss".
     "I still don't get it." I shrug my shoulders.
     "You don't get a lot of things, y/n. So how about we get started on fixing your face so it doesn't get worse?"

     "True..but first..." I get a chair from his desk and place it near the table of supplies which was next to his bed. "I'm using this seat, I'm not sitting on your bed."
    "That's pretty pointless, considering you already sat on my bed and the chair you placed is right beside the bed.. but Do You."

     He picks up the antibacterial ointment and twists the top off. He motions for me to get closer so he could put it on.

     Pulling back from him, I say, "I can do it myself, Jungkook, I'm not a baby."
     "Are you sure you can? This ointment is fast healing, but it hurts like hell when you put it on."
     Snorting, i grab the medicine from his hand. "It can't be that bad."

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