"What duties?" I naively ask Yoongi.
Jungkook walks over next to Yoongi and shakes his head.
"No, I don't want this life for Y/n. Ain't it possible she could just not participate in what we do?"
Yoongi rubs his temples. "Well, at least according to the Bangtan Boys rules, she has to be there."
Jungkook ruffles his locks, completely frustrated.
Yoongi presses his lips together. "But-"
"But? But, what? Tell me, you Neanderthal!" Jungkook grabs Yoongi's collar.
Yoongi doesn't even seem phased by Jungkook's close grip.
"The girl can opt out of the contract."
"Huh?" Me and Jungkook simultaneously ask.
"Yeah, we had a gang meeting and ruled for her to be allowed in, but we didn't hear her response. It's up to her to decide if she wants to be apart of this lifestyle or not."
Jungkook sighs in relief. "Perfect! She just won't be apart of the gang, then!"
I step up. "But what if I want to be apart of the gang?"
Jungkook grabs my shoulders. His grasp didn't hurt but it was firm. His touch felt... protective.
"You cannot possibly be apart of the Bangtan Boys... I impulsively ushered you to be voted in, but I've made a mistake. I don't want you to be forced to have any of the same problems as I do."
"But what if Namjoon kills me for speaking to you due to violating the previous agreement I had with him?" I countered.
Yoongi interrupts. "It's fine since this was a loophole, and it seemed like you were apart of the gang. But if you opt out now, you won't violate Namjoon's agreement and you won't be apart of the Bangtan Boys, either. You just-"
"I just won't be able to speak to Jungkook after this ever again."
Jungkook bites his lip. "I'm afraid so. But it's better than being apart of the destructive lifestyle that we engage in. Y/n, you don't deserve this. Save your life when you can."
But Jungkook, what about your life? Don't you deserve to be saved as well?
I look down, thinking about my options.
If I opt out now, I won't be involved in any of the evil activities that the Bangtan Boys engage in. Whether it's human trafficking, extortion, prostitution rings, - I will have nothing to do with it. I'll be able to live a simple, free life as I did before.
But I won't be allowed to speak with Jungkook or else I'll be killed. There's only six days left until Jungkook's predicted demise. And he's still entangled in this horrific lifestyle he was born into, with years of guilt weighing upon his shoulders.
If something tragic were to happen to Jungkook since I wasn't there to help him, would I be able to live with it?
But what about me?
Is my mental happiness more important than Jungkook's?
"I've made my decision," I finally state.
Jungkook gives a forced smile. "You deserve peace. You shouldn't be be around me anymore-"
My peace is with you, Jungkook.
I interrupt him. "No. I'm gonna be around you a lot more."

28 Days | Jungkook ✔
FanfictionYou & Jungkook despise each other. It wasn't fair that someone with a cruel personality had everything-enviable grades, ideal physique and wealth. But what if one day, you learn that Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a d...