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I finally pay at the cashier and walk home, carrying the bags.

I'm so conflicted.

The mysterious lady said I should leave Jungkook alone for a few days... She's never been wrong so far, but I only have 5 days left and this day is almost over.... I know I'll definitely not be with Jungkook for a few hours tonight. Which is what the mysterious lady wants.

I text Jungkook, though. I know I shouldn't based upon the lady's advice, but leaving him alone was my worst mistake.

Y/N: heyy, kook. hope tonight
goes well!

Y/N: did u see my note? i
sorta had to leave tonight
(based on namjoon's
orders, lmao)

Y/N: well, respond when
u can :P

JK: yea i got ur note.
sorry for the late reply!

ah cool & it's ok!
glad u responded lmao

JK: of course i would
respond. why? did u
think i was dead 💀🤣

Y/N: uh noo....

JK: yay. so what's up?

not much, just got
groceries &
walking home. wbu?

JK: getting ready for
a political event
for my family

Y/N: niceee! must be

JK: not really.
it's going to be
super boring.
wish u were here.
maybe tonight would
actually be fun.

There was apart of me that was glad we were texting because I could feel my cheeks blushing a thousand different reds and he'd definitely tease me in person for it.

Y/N: i wish i was
there with u also.

JK: r u blushing?

I look up from my phone, and observe my surroundings to see if he was spying on me. How could he have known?

Y/N: um are you
a psychic...

JK: nah ur just easy
to predict. maybe not
for anyone else
but for me.

Y/N: ah ok.....

JK: ugh i gotta go.
walk home safely :)

Y/N: i will! thanks 🙏

JK: i miss you.
dream sweet things
about me.

Y/N: i miss you too!
and why should i exactly
dream about u? haha :P

JK: because my dreams
are filled with you.

You know a boy is smooth when he be making you giggle maniacally through text.

Y/N: okay, ill try my best
to dream about you.

JK: u better 😤 i get jealous
when u think of another guy.
okay byyee❤️

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