Crying Devil

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Taehyung's shoulders were shaking uncontrollably by the time he was done with the story. Jimin patted his back to try to calm him down. It was strange seeing Taehyung sob... a devil crying was an unusual occurrence. Shouldn't the devil be making others suffer, not himself?

Without even realizing it, a tear fell out my eye too. I began crying alongside Taehyung and Jimin. A human, a devil from hell, and an angel from heaven were crying together, relishing in the pain of a heartbreaking story. The effects of love could be so longlasting yet powerful.

I wiped my eyes, and asked the question that was lingering my mind.

"B-but how are you both in the same room? How are you both coexisting next to each other, without Jimin's energy being drained? Shouldn't Jimin have fainted being so close to you?" I wondered.

Jimin's grabs my hands excitedly. "That's where you come into the story!"

"Huh?" I raise my eyebrow, confused what I had to do with this already.

"You see, it took a long time for me to wake up. About three years to be exact- I finally arose from my coma two months ago. After I recovered fully, I was allowed to return to my duties as an angel."

I nodded my head.

Jimin continued. "There was a job position to protect you and no angels wanted to take it. They knew that Satan was involved and every angel was afraid. But I was curious. So through a crystal ball in heaven, I saw that you were interacting with Taehyung on Earth!"

"Uh-huh," I nodded again, to affirm I was listening.

"I needed to see the love of my life again so I thoroughly requested to take the job position. At first, my angel superiors were adamant for me to not take it-they didn't think I was qualified enough. But no other angel would do the job and time was running out so they agreed!" Jimin exclaimed.

I cross my arms. "But that doesn't explain how you're able to be near Taehyung without fainting."

"I was getting to that..." Jimin giggles. "My bosses knew that Satanic energy sucks the life out of Angels. They suggested I go to an exclusive magical shop on Earth that had rare protection trinkets. These weren't available to most angels, but they had to make an exception for my job." Jimin points to his neck.

"This special necklace allows me to be around creatures from hell without losing my energy," Jimin explains. He points to my finger. "And I also got that ring to protect you from the demons that were following you. You're welcome." He winks at me.

I rub my head. My brain was processing so much information but I needed to know more.

"But Taehyung, how did you find out Jungkook was your half brother? In the story you just told me, you recognized Jungkook but you didn't know his connection with you."

I looked away after a few seconds of eye contact. Taehyung looked like he was on the edge of bursting into tears and I didn't want to see the devil cry again.

Taehyung wipes his eyes with his sleeve. "I didn't want it to come to this, but you have to see something." He gestures to Jimin and he takes a crystal ball out from his bag.

"Is that the crystal ball Jimin used in Heaven to see us on Earth?" I wondered.

Jimin nods. "Precisely. This crystal ball can showcase certain memories of the past."

Taehyung holds the crystal ball before me. "You're going to be seeing my memory with Jungkook. I was hesitant to show you before, but I think you deserve to know."

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