Young Love

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       "Uh, what are you doing?" I choke.
       "It's just practice for the party, Friday night." Jungkook assures me, rubbing my arm.
        "Sure, but we really don't need practice."
        Jungkook snorts. "Okay, but it's not like you're dating anyone. You don't have to feel guilty."
      I roll my eyes. "Do you have short term memory loss? Me and Taehyung are-"
       Jungkook cuts me off.
       "In a fake relationship. I know it was all a lie."

I turn my head to observe his facial expressions. He's biting his lip, trying to suppress his smirk.
I gulp.
Jungkook whispers into my ear, "Busted." meanwhile tightening his embrace around me. An old lady behind us smiles at us.
"Aw I miss romance during my youth. Your boyfriend showing affection to you despite the condition you're in," she gestures to the wheel chair.
"It's so sweet." She taps the man next to her, who's using his phone.
"Why don't you do that for me, Carl?!"

The man looks over and rolls his eyes.
"Ew, young birds in love. It's all great in the beginning, until you're 40 years in and realize that marrying a car would've been much more satisfying-"
The old lady raises her eyebrow.
"How about I get you some flowers right now, Dahee!" Carl says.
Before he runs off, Dahee pinches his cheek, lovingly.
"That's what I thought, Carl."

Jungkook giggles.
"Well I wouldn't say we're in love, but we got a special relationship. Right, y/n?" He also pinches my cheek, imitating the older couple.
"Yup. Just a few lies here and there." I clench my teeth.
Dahee sighs dreamily.
      "Aw, hope you guys are honest with each other in the future. If I weren't honest with Carl, I'm sure our marriage would have flopped. Believe me, the truth is necessary for all relationships."
        Carl returns with some flowers and presses a chaste kiss on Dahee's cheek and twirled her around. The whole restaurant was in awe of the elderly couple.

       Jungkook places his mouth near my ear.
       "You hear that y/n? The truth is necessary for relationships. So how about we be honest to each other for once, huh?"
       I gulp and nod.
       He removes his arms from me and pushes my wheelchair to the counter and retrieves the food. He moves my wheelchair to a free table. Jungkook holds his hand out so he assist me with but I scoff.
        With great effort, I raise my body from the wheelchair and sit at the table, refusing his help.
       Jungkook places the food and drinks in front of us.
      "Let's eat."

He's about to take a bite but I stop him.
"No let's talk first," I demand.
Jungkook chuckles.
"I'm starving. Let's eat and talk. Have you ever heard of multitasking?" He gestures to the food. I don't argue and take a huge bite without shame.

      "Wow, you actually ate. I thought you'd complain like you usually do." Jungkook raises his eyebrow, genuinely amused.
     "Well I did risk my life to save yours. And took a bullet to my leg. So it's the least I deserve." I shove more food up my mouth.

      Jungkook snickers. "You really do deserve it."
       "Yup, life is very precious. And just remember, I risked a lot so you can be here today."

       Jungkook agrees. "You did, you did."
        "Alright Jungkook. Let's cut the small talk. How did you know that I was lying about mine and Taehyung's relationship?"

      "I found out a few days ago. Remember the day Ji Hee beat your ass up?"
       I roll my eyes. "Yes. How could I ever forget."

      "Well, we went to my house to take care of your injuries. And then you departed my house without a car or any form of transport besides walking. And I realized that was a douchey thing to do."

      "So?" I asked.
      "So, I ran outside to find you. I felt really guilty-you at least deserved company when you walked all the way to your house. I finally found you but you were already talking to Taehyung, in his huge fluffy jacket."

      "I remember that. But I didn't see you at all. Where were you?" I was confused.
      "I-uh hid behind a tree..." Jungkook scratched his head, clearly embarrassed.

       "You what?" I almost choked on my bulgogi.
      So it wasn't a demon sent from Hell spying on me from behind the tree? It was just an ordinary human-Jungkook?

     "It was clear you didn't want to walk with me. You had your "boyfriend" so I didn't want to interrupt your alone time." Jungkook bent his pointer fingers to express his exaggeration.

     "But I had a feeling there was something really creepy about Taehyung so I sought to find out. So uh, yeah I watched you guys behind a tree..."

      "You're calling Taehyung creepy? You're the real creep here Jungkook!" I pointed at him.

      "I know it was wrong y/n. But you know me, since we were kids my favorite game was Hide and Seek."

      "Because you always liked to hide near the center of everything. You liked being unnoticed, yet knowing people's secrets and motives."

      "Old habits die hard, huh?" Jungkook chuckled, trying to make a light of this situation.
"Anyways, continue with the story, Stalker Boy."

         Jungkook clenches his jaw before continuing.

        "Taehyung mentioned the fake relationship, I laughed and you guys heard me. I didn't want you guys to discover me behind the tree, so I immediately ske-daddled."
      I massage my temples. So if Jungkook was the one watching me from behind the tree, who was the shadow that was following me at night? Was it all a delusion of a mind? Or an actual demon?

        I bit my lip. Or was there another human who wanted to harm me?

       I moved my food to the side and placed my head on the table.
       "You know what Jungkook...never mind about going outside to eat. We should have stayed at the hotel suite. My appetite is ruined." I sigh.

      I don't know the intentions of the shadow that chased me. My pretend-boyfriend that I actually care for is who knows where in hell doing what. Jungkook thinks I'm a huge liar, which I am, but it was only to get closer to him. And I have way too much pride to admit that. My life is a complicated mess.

     "Look I'm really sorry for invading your privacy! My instincts just get the best of me." Jungkook smacks himself on the arm, clearly upset with himself.
     I grab his wrist. "No, don't hurt yourself!"
     Jungkook grimaces like I touched a sensitive spot.
     "Owww- Chill it's just a joke." He tries to move his arm away, but I refuse to let go.

"Okay, fine. I need to show you something." Jungkook slowly pulled his sleeve up to reveal his skin. "Please don't freak out."

     Before he's able to move his wrist away, I push his jacket and shirt sleeve up to reveal his skin.
      There's a fresh wound on his wrist-although it wasn't bleeding, it hadn't begun healing yet. The shape of the wound looked like someone engraved the number 19 on Jungkook's wrist in crimson red.

       My eyes widened from shock. That was the exact amount of days I had left until the time to prevent his suicide was over.

     " cut yourself?"

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