Crying Beautifully

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It was awkwardly quiet while we walked to the coffee shop. I had so many questions to ask, but I didn't have the courage to ask him. Not yet.
We stepped into the cafe. The clock in the wall displayed the time to be 5:07 AM.

Mrs. Chung, an elderly woman and the owner of the shop, waved at us from the counter.
      "Hello to my first customers for today! Nice to see you y/n. Oh, and you've brought a boy with you!"

Jungkook and I strided closer to the counter.
"Yup, he's just a kid in my class," I say, while yawning. I stretch my arms above my head.
"Just a kid in your class? Or perhaps your boyfriend?" Mrs. Chung smiled.

"No, no no!! He's just a friend," I waved my arms back and forth to emphasize my disgust.
Jungkook chuckled.
"I wouldn't call her my friend, more like an annoying girl in my class who's been bothering me. But whatever floats your boat."

Mrs. Chung raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"But you both came together to my cafe quite early in the morning. You sure you guys aren't friends?"

Jungkook smirked and rested his elbow on my shoulder.
"We aren't friends yet, but perhaps we will day."

Mr. Chung looked at me weird.
"Uh, alright there anything I can get for you, lovely people?"

"Medium iced americano. No sugar or milk added," Jungkook answered blankly.

"And I'll get a large iced caramel latte. With whipped cream, please." I request.

Jungkook cackled.
"That much calories and whipped cream right in the morning?"
"Hey don't judge her. Girls always needs to have her daily dose of sugar," Mrs. Chung defended me.

I gave her a fist pound and stuck my tongue at Jungkook. Mrs. Chung began making our drinks.

Jungkook raised his hands up, palms facing me. "Whatever it's your body, not mine. If you die early don't blame me."

      "New drinking game: Take a shot every time you talk about death." I rolled my eyes and sat down in a chair beside a table. Jungkook walks behind me, lowers his head and quietly mutters into my neck.
      "Honey, you'd be drunk everyday when you're around me."

     I gulped. "What?" He sat down in the chair beside me.
     "Don't pretend you didn't hear. You know exactly what I said." He snorted and began texting on his phone.

     Why does he always say such weird things? Things that may have a double meaning?

      We used our phones in silence until Mrs. Chung called us over. Finally, we obtained our beverages.
     "How much would that be?" Jungkook inquired, taking out his wallet.

      "Oh don't worry about it. I got you guys covered. It was nice to see one of y/n's friends. It's pretty rare," Mrs. Chung says.

      My face flushed in embarrassment.

      "Hey that's not true! Bora's been here with me!" I crossed my arms.
       "Alright, but what about a good looking boy?"
      Jungkook interrupted. "Hasn't Taehyung been here with y/n?"
      "What the heck is a Bae Hyung?" Mrs. Chung was confused.

       Jungkook snickered. "You mean, Taehyung? Her boyfriend?"
      "Y/n you never told me you were dating someone!" Mrs. Chung gasped.

I needed to change the topic of conversation

"Um, Mrs. Chung, we should pay for the drinks! Didn't you say that you were getting less revenue than you used to?"
        She smiles.
"It's sweet that you care y/n, but I don't do this for everyone. You're a loyal customer of mine. You've given me enough."

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