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    With one final wave at my brother, I walk out of the apartment and close the door. I use the elevator and finally exit the building.

    I glance at the apartment complex. Wonder if I'll be back again...

    I will be back. For my brother, for my parents and to save Jungkook. This night will not be my last time on Earth.

    I'm only going to Hell. It really can't be that bad. I'm sure the fiction stories just dramatize it. It'll be a breeze.

    I skateboard to the phone booth box and sit on the bench outside, checking the time on my phone every few times.

  10:57 PM. 11:09 PM. 11:34 PM. 11:45 PM. 11:52 PM...

    It's getting closer to 12 but where is she?

    I thought she wasn't going to show up until I saw a figure in the distance. It appeared as a shadow first but as I got closer, I was able to identify them.

    It was the mysterious lady and she was dressed in all black.

    "Hiya!" I call out.

    She steps closer. "Hi," she says in a low voice.

"Why are you whispering? We're the ones here." I nervously chuckle.

She places her hood over her hair and adjusts her sunglasses. "Sorry. I'm not feeling well," she coughs.

"Ah, but I still think the sunglasses covering half your face is unnecessary-"

"It's 11:53 and you need to transport at 12. Are we going to do this or not?" She whispers, impatiently.

I nod. "Of course. It's getting late as it is."

    She smiles. "Perfect."

"But wait. I have a question." I remembered.

"What?" She blankly states.

"How do I know the picture of Taehyung you showed me it's not photoshopped?"

She takes her phone out and shows me the screen. "The photo is in the album camera roll.. I couldn't possibly photoshop that."

I see the picture of an unconscious Taehyung being carried by somebody in her camera roll. She's right.

    "Fine, I believe you. So what are the first steps?" I place my hands on my hips.

She opens the door to the phone booth. "First, do you have anything supernatural on you? Like any magical objects?"

I nod. "A ring I received from an angel."

    "Well, take it off. We're gonna have to use it." She snaps.

    I shake my head. "No! It's supposed to protect me from demons! What if you are one?"

    She rolls her eyes. "I'm standing right in front of you aren't I?"

   I back a foot away from her but she grabs my hand. "See we're having physical contact and nothing is happening to me. The ring is supposed to protect you from demons so I can't be one if I'm not hurt, right?"

    I still am puzzled. "If you're not a demon than what are you? Who are you?"

   She sighs. "There isn't enough time. It's 11:55."

   I take a deep breath. "Fine. But you have to explain who you are one day."

   "I promise I will. Just take off you ring."

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