As the ruler of the underworld, you'd think that Satan would be utterly gruesome. You'd think the sins he committed for thousands of years should deteriorate his soul alongside his face and body? Well, you're bloody wrong.
I hated to admit it... but Satan was bloody beautiful.
You could not compare Satan to any celebrity. His radiance was far beyond that. Even Jimin the angel, who I thought was the most exquisite creature... Satan's charm was far superior.
He had a slight resemblance to Taehyung with his box-like smile and almond shaped eyes. But that was where the resemblance ended. Since Taehyung was half-human he looked at least a little bit normal, but Satan was far more gorgeous than anyone could compare on Earth.
He had luscious, red lips and long Jack Frost silver-colored locks. He wore simple gold liner around his lavender purple eyes which emphasized their rarity. He didn't look real to me. He was like an anime character came to life. I felt inferior in his presence.
He re-defined beauty... Man, I wish it was appropriate for me to pick up my phone and take a picture because I don't think I could ever see someone so magnificent looking ever again.
My thoughts felt muffled. My goal of finding Taehyung had become unclear. All I could think about was admiring how gorgeous his face was and how unfair it was for him to admonish such charm...
"Aren't you supposed to be ugly? Nobody as terrible as you should be gifted with beauty!!" I blurted out.
The first thing that popped out of my mouth should have been about Taehyung or Jungkook. But my brain felt so foggy. How could I concentrate on anything when the most mesmerizing creature alive was right in front of me?
Satan steps closer to me and I move back. "Look into your everyday world. Aren't there many very beautiful people who aren't beautiful on the inside?"
I unclench my fist. He's not wrong. For example, Ji Hee may have been nasty on the inside but she was considered the prettiest girl at school. Even I used to dream about being friends with her, since I admired her looks. It was superficial, but her beauty was something I longed for. Especially since I knew I'd never be that attractive myself. So I thought by being friends with her, I could pretend I was pretty.
"You're right..." I shamefully admitted.
"I mean it's not your fault. We here in Hell use beauty as a seduction technique. We're always dressing the part wherever we may be, understanding that image and first impressions can lure others into our lair. We use our beauty to distract people from who we really are."
He's right again. His beauty was absolutely distracting... I look away and I finally am able to formulate a coherent sentence.
"But there are some physically attractive people who are kind..." I recall to Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were beautiful on the outside and inside.
Satan nods. "Of course. But personalities are deceptive as well- you won't know a person's true intentions until you get to know them. So when someone meets a physically beautiful person, they may believe their insides are great too. Then it can go either which way."
"But some people hate beautiful people just even looking at them..."
"Well that's jealousy. Another Hellish characteristic. It's up to them to control their jealousy by either manifesting it as admiration or wishing terrible for that person. But committing sins because of your uncontrolled envy may lead you right here."
Satan was obviously a terrible creature but he was very wise. He was gifted with both intelligence and physical beauty, but is using it for the wrong means. Unfair.

28 Days | Jungkook ✔
FanfictionYou & Jungkook despise each other. It wasn't fair that someone with a cruel personality had everything-enviable grades, ideal physique and wealth. But what if one day, you learn that Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a d...