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My cheeks burned incredibly from his comment.

"Did you just call me sexy?" I️ squealed.

He moves his lips closer to my ear. He was so close that I️ was afraid he was actually going to bite me, but someone interrupts him.

      "Wow Jungkook, you and your girlfriend got a lot of chemistry."

      Jungkook quickly removes his hands from my hips and coughs awkwardly.

"That's right, Namjoon." He smirks at the spectator observing us.

I️ turn around, wide eyed, and find Namjoon standing before me. He was dressed in an expensive tuxedo, with a silver earring in only his right ear. His hair was gelled back.

I️ hated to admit it, but the man who shot me in the leg looked really handsome. That damn Namjoon was always winning.

And now that I️ think about it..that's probably why Jungkook was being so flirty with me. Because Namjoon was watching us, and he had to put on a show to convince his brother that I️ was actually dating him. Jungkook probably didn't like me that way.

"You clean up nice, y/n. Did you clean up your leg as well?" Namjoon cackles evilly.

Of course he had to bring that up. And he wasn't even ashamed of his actions, Namjoon was proud.

"No thanks to you, you - jerkbutt." I stuttered.

"Jerkbutt. Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, let's applaud her for the clapback of the century," Namjoon claps and the gaggle of people around us do so, as well.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and stands in front of me, protectively. "Don't you have something else to do, like attending to your date?"

"Oh yeah, my date. C'mon baby grill, where ya at?" Namjoon called out.

A perky voice called out from one of the tables with food. "Coming, my god of destruction!"

I️ stare at the ground, still disgusted with Namjoon's presence. I️ was not in the mood to socialize with any of Namjoon's girlfriends. She's probably some trashy, gun loving weirdo-

"Oh my god. This can't be." Jungkook gasps.

"Huh?" I️ look up and I'm much more surprised than Jungkook. I️ almost fall to my knees from the sight.

Standing in front of me, linking arms with Namjoon and dressed in a low cut designer dress, was my one and only "loyal" best friend...


"How could you?" I️ yelled, not caring about the attention I️ was drawing.

Jungkook places his arm on my waist. "Y/n calm down-"

I️ remove his arm. "How can I️ calm down when the one person who's on my side, the one person who I️ confided to what Namjoon has done to me, is dating my arch enemy??"

Namjoon looks like he's about to gag. "We're not dating. We're just ya know, friends with benefits. And what's it to you? Shouldn't you be a good person and support who makes your friend happy?" He places his arm around Bora.

Bora looks at him with love, and snuggles her head into his chest. Namjoon looks like he's about to vomit, but doesn't stop her.

Oh, I️ know what's going on here. Namjoon is using Bora's naivety and her crush on him to piss me off. I️ don't know why, but he's just a sadist who feeds off my pain. Well, I️ wasn't going to let him have it.

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