Pied Piper

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    This situation isn't horrendous. I'll just be bored when I'm walking home with no music or apps to occupy me.
     And I won't be able to call my parents if anything terrible happens..but nothing could happen in a wealthy neighborhood in South Korea. I should be completely safe.

    I continued my path home. The street was poorly lit, but I couldn't use my phone for light. There was no one around and cars barely passed by.
     Half-way into my journey, I heard footsteps behind me. Instinctively, I turned around and saw no one. I stopped walking and listened for sounds behind me. There was nothing.

    After a few seconds, I resumed my path and heard the footsteps continue again. Whipping my head around, I once again saw no one. There was a street light on too and no fellow beings were present. I guess the footsteps were apart of my imagination?
    Bending down to tie my shoe laces, I noticed a shadow of a figure on the ground.

 I guess the footsteps were apart of my imagination?    Bending down to tie my shoe laces, I noticed a shadow of a figure on the ground

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I looked up from the shadow, but there was no person above it. What the heck??

I began running, with the footsteps also chasing me. Turning around again, all I could see was the shadow behind me on the ground, but no human figure.
Running for several blocks, I finally tripped over a huge crack in the pavement. I felt more pain than I did hours ago. It felt like I scraped my knee and reopened a wound from before.

Hopefully, I could sit down for several minutes to catch my breath. But suddenly I heard loud laughter.
The cackling was resonant and absolutely maniacal. I had no idea who it was, but it belonged to a woman's.

     Was this shadow-person giggling at the pain of my fall?

I screamed, got up, and limped while I was running away from the creature. Finally, I reached the street that my apartment was located in. Yes.

The cackling behind me increased with the speed of my running. Fed up, I threw a rock behind me.

"Ow!!!" screamed the shadow. The shadow's voice was high pitched. It sounded like a girl that was around my age.

     I could defend myself against shadows with rocks? What?
The footsteps scurried away from me but I wouldn't dare turn around to look. All I knew was the shadow was gone.
I didn't stop jogging until I reached my apartment.

I arrived to the building and gimped to my residence. I opened the door to the apartment flat. My little brother, Hyuk, was sprawled on the couch watching TV. I pounced and held him in my embrace.

"Eww, don't touch me you fatty!" Hyuk, screamed, squirming in my grasp.

"Are mom and dad home?" I asked, completely exasperated.

    "I came home from the school bus at 6 PM and nobody was in our apartment.. You usually are, but lately you've been out doing who knows whatever. So no, I've been home alone for an hour." Hyuk pouted.

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