The silence in the room was absolutely deafening. After a few uncomfortable minutes that felt like hours, Taehyung finally says something.
"Y/n I need to ask you a question.."
I wonder what it could be. "What is it, Tae?"
He took a deep breath and finally blurted it out. "After I hurt you and betrayed you, do you really forgive me?"
Out of everything that was on his mind, that's what he wanted to ask me?
"Yes. A million times, yes. It was hard to but cheating happens. You didn't hide anything or make excuses," I honestly say.
Taehyung gulps. "I did really care for you though. None of my feelings were fake."
I smile. "And none of anything was fake for me either."
"It's crazy though. We dated only five days and only met weeks prior. Yet, everything we felt was so intense?" He turns towards me.
I laugh. "Okay we didn't meet just two weeks ago. We met years ago, at the Chung's Coffee shop. Although I honestly don't remember you from back then..."
Taehyung twiddles with his fingers. "Ah. Well I sort of erased your memory..."
I sit up in my bed. "You did WHAT?! You son of a devil!"
"Well ever since I found out that Jungkook is my brother, I needed to keep watching him, especially due to his odd, deviant behavior. But in order to be around him, I needed to be around you. And you were one of the earthlings that I developed a friendship with, so I had to wipe your memory. You couldn't be suspicious of me, spying on my brother."
"And how did you exactly do that?"
"Took a sample from the River of Forgetfulness located on the outskirts of Hell. Sprinkled a few drops into your caramel latte."
I rubbed my head. "Oh my god..."
"Don't worry! I measured the correct amount of water so you'd only forget the mystical creatures from the past few months, then. So you only forgot me and Jimin. And we all met again, anyways so-"
I rub my eyes, frustrated. "You stole my memories!"
"I'm so sorry but it was all to-"
"Protect Jungkook, I know," I finished his sentence.
It was quiet again but I was the one to break the silence this time.
"Remember when you said that if I fail, I'll have to sell my soul to you?"
"When we met in the graveyard, and you told me if I failed my mission to save Jungkook, I'd have to sell my soul to you."
There were so many reactions I was anticipating. But I was not expecting him to double over in laughter.
"What is so funny?" I was so angry, I could feel my face turning red.
Taehyung wipes a tear from laughing so hard from his cheek. "Do you really think a fluffball like me could ever do that to you?"
He grins. "I was only trying to make you afraid so you'd work harder on the mission. I could never steal you life from you... I may be the devil's son, but I'm not that cruel."
"Oh," I plop my hands down my lap.
Taehyung raises his eyebrow, mischievously. "But hey, let's turn this into a proposal. Instead of selling your soul, you can do one favor for me in the future, regardless what happens. And you can't break it."
I pout my lips, thinking. "Seems reasonable."
His face darkens. "And you must complete the promise. There are detrimental consequences to breaking a deal with the devil."
I gulp. "Oh?"
He laughs and points at me. "Just kidding! You should see your face!"
My ears heat up from embarrassment. Taehyung continues laughing and I grab his arm.
"But what if I do fail?
"You won't fail. We won't fail."
"But Taehyung-"
"No buts. We have a one shot chance at this."
"But can't we use your superpower and time travel backwards, again?"
He shakes his head. "My powers are limited right now. And even if I ever get them back, I won't be allowed to time travel again, especially for a reason so selfish."
I'm shocked. "But how is time-traveling to save Jungkook's life so selfish?""Because it interferes with nature. Do you know how many people end their life from suicide everyday? Or how many die from accidents because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time? If we time travel again for Jungkook, then we'd have to save millions of other people, too. The entire timeline would be become completely altered from so many butterfly effects taking place."
"And the Heavens neither the Underworld wouldn't want that. So this is our only chance."
Taehyung nods. "Now, you finally understand. Even what I did for Jungkook was so risky. I almost got completely banished to the Underworld for the rest of my life."
"You what?" I was completely unaware of this.
He bites his lip. "This is why I gave you the responsibility to save Jungkook. I knew that me time-traveling twice would result in huge repercussions. I was in Supernatural Court, for the past few weeks. Thank the Lord that I didn't get banishment or severe punishment."
"You were busy with Supernatural Court?"
"Yes, I illegally and irresponsibly used my powers. Satan rewarded me time traveling abilities to help with my job, meanwhile I wanted to use them to reverse my brother's death. Death is apart of the natural order of things... and I ruined this order. It goes against both the Heavens and Hell."
"So you knew once you used the power, you wouldn't be able to overwatch Jungkook and would be fighting for your life in court... so you gave me the mission to watch and protect Jungkook," I figured it out.
Taehyung nods. "Exactly."
"Did court finally end? What was your overall punishment?" I asked.
"Well the worst sentence I could've gotten was eternal banishment to Hell... and since I'm here, I obviously didn't get that."
"That's great!" I clapped. "But what was the final verdict?"
"There's no final verdict yet... they're still figuring out my punishment. But the Heavens admired mine and yours kindness to Jungkook... even if it disrupted the supernatural order." He pats my hair, messing up my braid.
"The Heavens especially admires your compassion. And your determination. You had so many obstacles but you never gave up on Jungkook," Taehyung flashes his box-shaped smile.
"Oh... Well, it's no big deal..." I sheepishly said.
"Whatever you say. But I don't think any other human could've done such bravery. Or even any other supernatural creature. No angel, no devil, not even a being with tons of superpowers could have undergone such stress."
I was so....flattered.
"Okay well Y/n, it's time to go to sleep!"
Taehyung hits the switch on my bed-side lamp and the room is in complete darkness.
I'm about to say something else when I hear his soft snoring. He fell asleep so fast. Guess I'll be all alone with my thoughts tonight.

28 Days | Jungkook ✔
FanfictionYou & Jungkook despise each other. It wasn't fair that someone with a cruel personality had everything-enviable grades, ideal physique and wealth. But what if one day, you learn that Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a d...