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"Just please...don't leave me alone. At least not tonight." He tightens his grasp around me, as if I'll disappear if I let go.
"I won't."

He continues hugging me, crying into my shoulder to relieve the pain of the past. I allow him, and we both sob into each other's arms until we drift asleep.

     I wake up feeling a warm body wrapped around my limbs. I assumed it was my little brother who used to cuddle with me all the time.

     "Hyuk...let go. I have to get up."
      No response.

       "Hyuk, c'mon..."
       I poked the arm that was tightly wrapped around my waist. My eyes widen from shock. Instead of feeling a skinny arm, I felt a huge, muscular bicep. This could not be a ten year old.

     I opened my eyes and turned my head to observe the body that was sleeping with me. Close to my face, I saw a man with dark, tousled hair. I identified the man to be Jungkook.

      How the heck did this even happen...I recall to the events of last night. I remember him crying into my arms and finally resting his head on my shoulder...but how did we end up in this position?

        One of his arms was firmly tightened around my waist. His other arm is beneath my head, acting like a pillow. His leg is tightly locked over both of my legs, which is preventing me from falling off the small couch.

I felt vulnerable in his firm grasp like a victim being constructed by an anaconda.

      Witt great effort, I try to remove myself from his hold, but it was no use. I was not strong enough.

      I sigh. This was oddly comforting in a way...Jungkook is like teddy bear cuddling me. More like a giant muscular teddy bear who is invading my personal space. But it's still enjoyable. If I wasn't so hungry and wanted to get some food.

      I nudge Jungkook to awaken him.
      "C'mon Jungkook, let go..."

       Instead of listening to my request, he tightens his embrace around my waist and moves his lips closer to mine.

       "Just go to sleep, babe..." He kisses my shoulder and nuzzles his nose against my neck.

Babe? Oh, hell naw.

I grab his thumb, place it between my teeth and bite him. His legs and arms quickly unravel from my body. I no longer had anyone holding me onto the couch and fall to the floor.

      "Yah! Why did you bite me like a tiger, crazy girl?" Jungkook stands up and backs away from me. He holds his thumb in his other hand and pouts.

       Slowly, I pick myself from the floor and dust my clothes off. I place my hand against my back.

       "Ouch..and why were you hugging me? And why did you call me babe?" I asked.

       He points to himself. "I did that? Sorry, I thought I was dreaming..."

      "So you dreamt you were cuddling me and kissed me on the shoulder?" I accused him.

      "Uh...yeah except it wasn't you I dreamt I was cuddling with." A bead of sweat falls off his forehead.

       "Oh, okay. Who were you dreaming about?" I wondered.

      "Jisoo, of course." Jungkook confidently winks.

      I snort. "Her name is JI HEE for the hundredth time. So you're telling me you dreamt about a girl you don't even remember the name of?"

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