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Taehyung returns from the restroom and slips back into his seat.

"Did anything happen?" He innocently asks.

I sigh. "Honestly, yeah you did. Jungkook came to the shop."

"Mother of molasses, I truly miss EVERYTHING!" He slams his fist on the table.

I would have giggled at his reaction, had it not been Jungkook's impending doom upon my shoulders. I set my arms on the table and place my head on top of them.

Taehyung takes a sip of his drink. "So what happened?"

"He enters the shop, he was about to talk to me, but his goons began making death threats towards me and he left," I mutter.

"It's not your fault this happened. You tried your best. We'll find a way-"

"Shut up, Taehyung! This is all my fault!" I abruptly yell.

Taehyung jumps back like a scared puppy, taken back by my anger, but I don't care.

"Don't worry, Y/n. We'll find a way to solve-"

I shake my head. "No, we won't. I didn't use the time correctly. I didn't pay enough attention to him."

Taehyung grabs my arms. "Please stop doubting yourself."

I pull back. "This is all my fault. I had goddamn 28 days, but I was recklessly using my time. I shouldn't have had a relationship with you, I shouldn't have ever hung out with Bora, I shouldn't have hung out with my little brother. I shouldn't have spoken to anyone besides Jeon Jungkook.."

He shakes his head. "I gave you a huge responsibility to save Jungkook's life. But that doesn't mean in order to save his life, you have to stop living yours!"

I ignored him. "I shouldn't have gone to school. I shouldn't have slept. I shouldn't have eaten. I shouldn't have showered. I wasted too much time doing useless things."

Taehyung pouts his bottom lip. "I'm so sorry Y/n, for putting you through this stress.But you should be proud of your accomplishments, too. You helped me and Jimin meet again. You saved me from being trapped in Hell. You've gotten closer to Jungkook, more than anyone else has had for the past 10 years. You've done so much and it's not over yet."

I couldn't register anything he was saying. All I could hear was a repetitive chant inside my head. 6 days... 6 days... 6 days...

I finally was able to say something.

"I'm just going to take a walk outside."

"Huh? I'll go with you." Taehyung stands up.

I shake my head. "I need to be alone. Just 10 minutes, please? I promise I'll be back."

Taehyung sighs. "Fine. I trust you and I'll be here. But if you won't be back in that designated time, I'm going to go searching for you."

I nod at him and give a faint smile. He waves and I finally exit the shop.

It was the beginning of November, in Korea. It has cooled down a lot since October. I shiver, feeling underdressed in my t-shirt and jeans.

I recall to Jungkook wearing a leather jacket in the shop a few minutes earlier. He's likely to be in a car or is outside walking. Either way, I hope that jacket was keeping him warm.

Jeon Jungkook... What is on that boy's mind?

I always see Jungkook being surrounded by his gang members. Do they ever leave him alone? If he would ever hurt himself, would they stop him?

Jungkook had to be alone sometimes... When he is, what does he do?

I scratch my head. If I could only have one conversation with him, then I would at least know how he was feeling at the moment! Even if his words weren't the truth, his eyes couldn't lie.

Should I feel proud of myself for what I've done since time has been reversed? Is Jeon Jungkook saved?

Or has me interfering made matters much worse?

I close my eyes and rub my temples. My head was throbbing.

I finally open my eyes and look at my reflection in a store window. My underbags were huge and I looked so drained.

I walked closer to my reflection, and began loosening my ponytail. The hairstyle was absolutely tight, and I needed to let my hair relax a bit.

I fix my hair and sigh in relief. Now, there's a lot less pressure on my head.

I blink and I see the reflection in front of me grin, showing teeth.

It's been awhile since I've seen myself smiled... But wait, I wasn't smiling? I place my hands over my lips and my mouth was pursed tight.

So why was the image in front of me... different?

I blink and the reflection also has pursed lips. I move my arms around and the reflection follows. I tap the glass and the reflection does so also.

The reflection moving differently before was just my imagination... right?

My phone vibrates, indicating a text.

Taehyung: where r u?
i need to see u.

Y/n: sorry for the delay.
ill be there as soon as i can!

It's been sixteen minutes since I left the shop. Taehyung expected me to be there six minutes ago! I jog back and enter Chung's Coffee.

I grab my chest and huff and puff. "Sorry for being late, Taehyung. But I just saw the strangest thing.."

Taehyung is holding his head, looking extremely distressed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

He shakes his head, looking fearful for his life. "I saw something stranger."
He points to the screen in front of us.

On the TV screen was... Taehyung's father, Satan.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: drop some of ur predictions and thoughts!

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