The buzzing from my pocket wakes me up. My phone is vibrating, indicating a Facetime from Taehyung.
It's nearly 3 AM- why would he even be calling me at this time?
I put my headphones on and slip outside my room.
"Hey, why are you calling me- BRUH where are you?"
Taehyung seems to be outside. All I see behind him in the video call is the pitch black sky.
"I'm off to find Jimin and help you."
"What the heck? No you aren't. Come back here right now."
Taehyung shakes his head. "Hear me out- I'm completely useless at your house. My powers are all drained out. It kills me that I can't help you and my brother can die at any moment."
"You aren't useless. Where are you even going?"
"To Supernatural Court. And Eun-Kyung, my half-demon friend is going to help me transport there."
He seems determined in his mission and I've realized nothing I can say will stop him.
"Why didn't you at least say goodbye in person?" I ask.
"I knew if I told you this in person, you wouldn't let me go."
He's right. I wouldn't have.
I massage my temples. "How much time do I have left? Like 3 days right?"
"Well, actually a little more than 2 days."
"WHAT?" I squawk.
Taehyung sighs. "Y/N, you have until 6:12AM on Monday for this mission."
"Why until then?"
"Because that was the time and day Jungkook took his life."
I gasp. Today is Saturday.
"Facetime doesn't work in the Heavens or Hell- I'll find another way to contact you when I can."
I sigh. "Is there anyway I can convince you to come back home?"
Taehyung shakes his head. "Nope. And remember when I asked you to reserve a favor for me weeks ago? The favor I need you to do is to not waste your time trying to find me and instead take care of Jungkook."
"Alright. I guess this is goodbye then, Taehyung." I couldn't help but tear up.
"It's only goodbye right now. We'll see each other soon. Promise." He smiles that box-shaped adorable grin.
"Promise," I wave. "Good luck."
"Good luck to you, too."
Then he hangs up the phone.
Don't have an anxiety attack, I tell myself. Whenever I get super nervous, I just freak out and cry and I can't act rational for hours on end.
I return to my room. I find Jungkook curled into a ball on my bed, snoring softly. I lie down beside him and try to sleep.
"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, at the dining table. He helped me make breakfast for my whole family.
"He's off to find Jimin," I honestly answer, stirring my coffee.
"Oh. Should we help him find him?"
"No," I tell him. "This journey he has to do all on his own."
"Alright." Jungkook nods.
"Hey Coach Kookie, can you teach me how to do that soccerball trick? The Hocus Pocus?" Hyuck asks.

28 Days | Jungkook ✔
Hayran KurguYou & Jungkook despise each other. It wasn't fair that someone with a cruel personality had everything-enviable grades, ideal physique and wealth. But what if one day, you learn that Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a d...