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"I dreamt of... snow."

Snow? He dreamt of snow? That was my nickname.. did that mean...?

"What type of snow? The precipitation or me?"

Jungkook looked away, covering his face with his bed covers.

"I don't know... I guess both." He shyly giggles, beneath the sheets.

"Elaborate on that, sweetie," I demanded.

"In my dream, it was the midst of winter, and instead of being miserable inside, I decided to play around in the snow."


He takes his head out of the sheets, but looks down. "You were there also..."

"What was I doing?"

"You had a big fluffy jacket an we were having a snowball fight."

"What color was my jacket?" I questioned.

"I don't know, I can't remember everything! It was a dream."


"It was a dream... but it felt so real though," he sighs, seeming to imagine the blissful snowflakes melting against his cheeks again.

"You know.. you could have a snowball fight with me anytime," I tell him.

Jungkook snorts. "Was that a pickup line?"

"I'm dead serious. I love snow and I love-"

"You love?" He raises his brow, mischiveously.

"I love... the weather we're having!"

He rolls his eyes, playfully. "Of course you do..."

"I'm serious. It's getting chilly and the weather is requiring sweaters." I explain.

Jungkook is quiet but he seems to be thinking of something.

"What do you love, then?" I asked him.

"You wanna know what I love?"

He hovers over me.

"I love..." His hand tousles with my hair and traces the outline of my cheek. "This coin beneath your head."

He flips the coin over and catches it. "I love money!"

He lies back in bed, beside me.

I'm completely flustered but manage to roll my eyes. "No, you don't."

He doesn't disagree.

The room is suddenly quiet again.

Man, I really hate quiet.

I look towards Jungkook and he's lying down, faced away from me.

"Jungkook, we were talking about love earlier and now I want to know what you exactly love. Is there any person you love or is it possible that you could love m-"

He makes no sudden movements and I hover over his face. His eyes are closed and his chest is moving slowly up and down.

He's asleep.

I sigh and lie down besides him. I scroll through my phone because there was no tiredness in my body. He says he can sleep so easily around me, meanwhile he makes me an insomniac.

Someone knocks on the door.

I get up and open it.

It's Namjoon.

"Get out and go home." He blows a puff of cigarette smoke in my face like an edgelord. Gross.

"Why?" I try not to cough.

"We don't need you anymore tonight. Just go home." He takes another drag from his cigarette.

"B-but let me at least say bye to Jungkook-"

Namjoon sighs. "I barely ever see him sleep. It's best you just go without disturbing him. This will probably be the most he'll sleep for a few days at least."

"Can't I at least stay a few more hours more?" I beg. "I'm sure there's more gang activities I can participate in."

Namjoon shakes his head. "No more gang stuff tonight. We're dealing with family, instead."

"Ah." I guess it'd be rude if I stayed any longer. But Jungkook's family is so toxic... He would probably need me, even if Namjoon doesn't want me there.

"Can I at least leave a note in the room?" I plead.

Namjoon rolls his eyes. "Sure. So sentimental..."

I go into the room and whisper. "Jungkook, Jungkook." I poke him in the cheek. He was truly asleep.

Namjoon peers in the room and places a finger to his lips. "SHHHH!!!"

Namjoon is right. It would be selfish to wake him up... I finally write a note that tells him I've gone home, but he can call me if he needs me.

Like the true gentleman he is, Namjoon escorts me outside of the hotel. Then he lectures me to not come back here for the rest of the day. The security guards of the hotel know my face, and they assure Namjoon I won't be let in.

I walk home, a hearty forty minute pathway. I'm halfway through my journey, when I receive a phone call.

"JUNGKOOK! I knew you'd call!" I screech into the phone, like an excited fangirl. 

"What?" The other person on the line says. "Of course I always call. It's your mom."

"Oh," is all I can say.

"Well don't sound too disappointed," my mother laughs. "Can you bring home some groceries tonight?"

"Well, I'm currently walking home and I'm a bit tired so-"

"Okay, good you can! We need milk, eggs, sugar, nutella, rice, taco shells, Doritos, hot cocoa..." She tells me an endless long list.

"Okay, sure. I'll be home in an hour I guess," I groan.

"Perfect. Love you! Bye," my mother sing songed.

"Love you, too," I click the end button.

The nearest grocery store is only a ten minute walk and I arrive there.

I'm piling the different items into my cart, when I have the feeling someone is watching me.

I turn around and it's the girl-lady-thing that's been always following me. She has a mask on her face and a cap on her head, but her presence is not an easy one to ignore.

She nods her head to the back of the grocery store and I walk over there with her, cautiously.

"Hey! I went to Hell and it worked," I explained. "Taehyung's back and I'm hanging out with Jungkook again."

"I've seen. Maybe you should leave him for a few days," she suggests.

I frown. "But there's only a few days left. I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Maybe he needs some space. Trust me, i've been watching him. It would be best to leave him alone for a day or two," she explains.

"B-but-" She leaves before I'm able to complete the sentence. I try to follow her but she walks too quickly in the crowded store, and I've lost her.

I scratch my head.

I'm conflicted because everything so far she said was true... She literally helped me to arrive at the gates of Hell! But why should I leave Jungkook alone? Not unless if he asked me to.. Even when he doesn't want me there, I'll still be by his side. I've left him alone for too long.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: short chapter sowwyz but i needed to let yall know im still alive 🤣

 im in the worst writing block EVERRR drop some predictions maybe yall will inspire me bc im mad confused on how to tie this story up haha. ILYYYY <3

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