Fake Dating

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       "I need you to help me prepare for a party. And you're coming with me as my date."

"Oh heck no..." I shake my head in fear.
      Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Incoming in 3, 2, 1...."
"I have a boyfriend!" I yelled at him.
"I know, calm down, sis," Jungkook pats me on the back.

I take a sip from a bottle of water that's next to me.
"Okay I'm calm. Explain," I crossed my arms across my chest.

"There's going to be a company party. And I need you to be date for that night."
       "Why me? Why can't you get someone else to accompany you?"
      "Because my dad and brother feel like you're using me for money or fame or something. They know that our financial situations aren't the same and there's been tons of people who've uh, used me in the past. If I introduce you as my date, they'll understand we're serious and you actually care for me."
      "So you're asking me to fake date you for one night...I don't think I can do that," I honestly replied.

      "Why not?" Jungkook pouts.
      "Because your family is a lot more powerful than mine. Your brother owns a goddamn gun. I don't want to die, man."

      "Look my dad has been urging me to date for years. And now Namjoon told him all about you. If my family feels you aren't worthy to be in my life, something bad might happen to you. But if you tell them you're my girlfriend, my dad and brother might back off."
"What'll happen if I don't go?" I ask.
"They'll make sure to completely cut you from my life. They don't understand that we're just friends. If you don't go to this company dinner as my date, they'll think you aren't serious with me."

I roll my eyes. "So? What's wrong if I'm not serious with you? Has your family heard about girls that are friends? Just because we hang out, doesn't mean we're getting sexual benefits from each other."
"Yeah...but my dad and brother don't see it that way. I've had a lot of friends that girls, but they've never seen me holding their hand or carrying them..."
"How the heck did they know about us? Security cameras around the city or something?" I snort.
"Perhaps," Jungkook sighs.

I massage my temples.
"I still don't know, Jungkook..."
"Look, Namjoon promised to back off, too. So you'll definitely be safe from him. Just lie that you broke up with Taehyung, fake date me for that night, and then you can go back to Taehyung. They just want confirmation that we're something serious, and then they'll leave you alone. If you don't..."
"I'll be completely cut from your life. Your family wouldn't want me to hang out with you." I realized.
Jungkook nods.

"Just give me some time to at least think about it," I tell Jungkook.
"Okay, I'll just hit up the hotel gym. See you in 2 hours." He grabs a duffel bag filled with his gym clothes, his towel and his wallet and he heads out.

I lie down and put the covers over my head.
So what should I do? What is the morally justified action to take?
Jungkook thinks I'm dating Taehyung, and technically I am dating him, although we pretended our relationship is not real in front of Jungkook. It's complicated-originally we fake dated to catch Jungkook's attention, but then I actually started liking Taehyung and Taehyung also felt that way.
So wasn't I actually dating Taehyung? If I went with Jungkook to the party...wouldn't that be considered cheating?

Taehyung and I weren't an official thing. I'm not even sure if we're exclusive yet. But wouldn't it hurt Taehyung if I fake dated Jungkook? But if I refuse to go to party with Jungkook...I won't be able to interact with Jungkook anymore.
If I can't be around him, how will I be able to prevent Jungkook from hurting himself or even worse...taking his own life?
That's it. I've finally made my decision.

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