You & Jungkook despise each other. It wasn't fair that someone with a cruel personality had everything-enviable grades, ideal physique and wealth.
But what if one day, you learn that Jungkook took his own life? Would you be willing to make a d...
"I may enjoy destroying your life, but when anyone else attempts to, it hurts me."
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My eyes widen and the hair on the back of my neck stands upon feeling his hot breath hit my skin. I couldn't even move an inch. "R-really?" "Yeah, I mean it's fun for me to prank you, but when other people do, it gets me...annoyed." He confessed.
Is this how he views the chaos he created all throughout my life? It's all just for "fun"??? "I just feel a bit possessive about other people torturing you. I mean it's our thing." "Our thing?" I choked. "Oh-uh I mean it's just those who hurt you pull it too far..." he stutters while scratching his head. He turns away from me and whispers to himself, "Did I just say that too loud?" "You did," I chuckled. Then, I thought about something troubling and frowned.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" "How am I supposed to cover my facial wounds up? If my parents see my face they'll freak out."
"Oh I got it!" He runs to his closet and walks back to me. It appears he's holding objects behind his back. Without warning, he ties a black scarf around my neck. He then takes a baseball cap and places it on my head.
"Just bury your chin into your scarf. The hat should be able to cover your forehead and cast a dark shadow. The fast healing medication should clean up most of your face tomorrow."
"Wow thanks! How did you get medication that heals so fast? Never heard about it before in the news." I was puzzled. "Oh it's not legal in Korea yet...Wait did I just say that out loud again?"
I nod, while my eyes bulge out of my head. Illegal medication?
"It's weird.. lately I've been too chatty with you.." he casually says, stuffing his hands into his front pockets.
"Um Jungkook you just said it's not legal in Korea! Please explain. Did you just put cocaine on my face?" I ask with exasperation.
"Don't worry, just because it's not legal, doesn't mean it's not safe. My father's job got us this medication..uhh wait that's confidential information." He hits himself in the head for saying something he wasn't supposed to.
"Anyways, there's things that the government doesn't give to ordinary citizens but provides to my family..and UGH I revealed another secret again." He shakes his head and mutters to himself.
I never knew Jungkook was so dorky. He was known to be one of the most reserved people in school and even amongst his friends. He always had this cool attitude and never seemed to get nervous. Why is he stammering in front of me? I've never seen this side before.