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I gasp.

Satan looked different from the last time I saw him.

The man on the screen was wearing brown eye contacts, had auburn hair, and looked a bit more human. Still the most gorgeous creature, but a bit less supernatural. But it was in fact, it was Taehyung's father.

I was astonished from his presence before me until an advertisement pops up.

"Are my eyes deluding me? Was your dad really on the TV?" I ask.

Taehyung bites his lips and gives a small nod.

I place my hand on his shoulder. "This can't be that bad-"

Taehyung jumps up. ""Are you dumb? This is very bad!"

He grabs a fist of his hair. "What is he doing here? He's the king of the Underworld! This is totally unnatural. What does he want from Earth?"

Twenty minutes ago, I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown but now Taehyung was about to have one. It was now my turn to calm him down.

"Relax. Maybe Satan's trying to play a harmless prank on us."

Taehyung snorted. "Everything my father does have a purpose. I can assure you he's here to do something evil, but sure, I'll let you naively believe he's playing a joke."

It was quiet for a few seconds. Taehyung takes large breaths and is beginning to calm himself.

Mrs. Chung walks by and gives a polite smile. I decide to greet her.

"Hi, Mrs. Chung. This is my friend, Taehyung!"

She nods her head. "Oh, I've known him for years. He's been coming to this coffee shop for a long time. Nice to see you, V!"

Taehyung does a finger gun. "Nice to see you, too!"

I roll my eyes. Of course, Taehyung had to wipe my memory but Mrs. Chung was free from that.

"So how has your day been?" Taehyung politely asks.

"Pretty busy. But not that busy enough that I didn't miss the news. Glad I didn't because it's so crazy."

Taehyung raises his brow. "What news?"

"Haven't you seen it? There's a new candidate for mayor!"

"Huh? But that doesn't matter because no one could ever compete against Mayor Jeon. He's always been wildly popular," I point out.

Mrs. Chung shrugs. "Well this new guy is popular as well. Not much has been released about him, but he's so likable. Also quite the looker."

"He can't be that good-looking. I mean, I exist-" Taehyung says.

"Oooh! The ads are over. Some more information should be released about him!" Mrs. Chung points.

On the TV screen, appears a news anchor.

He reads from a telecom. "Welcome back! I know there's been quite some excitement about the new candidate for mayor."

Mrs. Chung and a group of people surrounding the TV squealing in anticipation.

"Anyways, let's get right to it! His name is Sanghoon. He comes from a poor family and worked himself to the top. A humble man who enjoys the simple things in life. He wants to help people."

Some girls around us coo in adoration.

"Hold up. I have just been informed that our channel has been lucky enough to receive a video from his campaign to broadcast. Here it is. Lucifer Sanghoon!"

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