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I awake in a gigantic, white room.
It was absolutely glorious. I was on a huge master bed, and the furniture around me was decked in shiny crystals. There were dishes of food surrounding me, probably more expensive than I could ever afford.
I honestly thought I was in heaven until I heard the ugliest noise ever.

Besides me in bed, there's a stranger facing away from me. The facial features of this man did not resemble Taehyung at all.

I kick the stranger out of my bed and scream,
"Who the heck are you?"
The stranger groans as he picks himself up. He pushes his hair away from his face, finally revealing his identity. This stranger was Jungkook.

"Wh-what are you doing in my bed? What are you doing with me in heaven?" I pull my covers over me in fear.
Jungkook groans as he stretches his back. "You're not in heaven, you're alive Y/n....And you don't remember what happened a few days ago?"

"Whatchu talking about Nochu? I'll just leave." I get up and tried to stand with one of my legs, but it was too painful. I stumble and fall backwards onto the bed again.

"Well that was awfully pathetic," Jungkook chuckles.

Memories flood back of me being shot, Jungkook carrying me in his arms, and me shamelessly burying my face into his chest. I look up at Jungkook and he's smirking, obviously also thinking about our skinship.

"I don't remember much," I lied. "Just being shot in the leg."
"Too bad. There were some interesting memories alongside the pain. We got awfully close." He crawled closer to me.

I blushed and turned away from him.
"I know you're lying and do remember, y/n. It's nothing to be ashamed about." He places a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I groaned and ignore him. I roll up my pant leg, and discover my calf was tightly covered in bandagaes.
"Was the bullet removed?" I looked down and realized my clothes were completely different from what I was wearing the day I got shot.
"More importantly....did you change my clothes?" I pick up a bowl of fruit that was on the bedside table to throw at Jungkook, if he comes any closer.

Jungkook raises his arms in the air.
"When we reached the hotel, you were knocked out, so it was easy for me to remove the bullet...and no I didn't remove or change your clothes," he informed me, calmly.
"Then who did?"
"A nurse who works here. She didn't question the bandaged leg, I just told her you fell over a pebble when you were walking..which isn't hard to believe because you are a clutz," he chuckles.

I sigh in relief and place the bowl of fruit back on the table. There was no need to question if Jungkook was lying, because his glittering eyes displayed sincerity. And I knew he wasn't one of those trashy guys to take advantage of girls when they were vulnerable. I trusted him.

"I believe you...but ugh my leg is killing me. Wait a second, you said I was out for several days..what day is it?"
"It's Tuesday," Jungkook replies.
"But I got shot Saturday! Which means I was knocked out for 72 hours. Do my parents know where I am? Does my family know I'm safe?" I cry.

"Don't worry I got Bora to cover you with the excuse of a school trip and she photoshopped pictures of you enjoying. I sent text messages of the pictures, indicating you were safe."
I snort. "My parents would never fall for that."

"Oh, really?" Jungkook tosses my phone to me and I catch it.
      I check my text messages between my father and I. Apparently I told him that there was a school trip that I forgot to inform him and mom beforehand. My dad's initial reaction was refusal to believe me and he demanded I come home.
      That was until he received several phone calls from my teacher who assured me I was safe and the trip was necessary apart of my GPA. My father cooled down and Jungkook, posing as me, sent pictures of me with friends in a laboratory.

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