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"Oh crap," Hoseok groans after we hear the blaring police sirens.

"Boss, what the hell are we going to do?"

"Shut up," Namjoon says. Namjoon is still in place, seeming to be listening to something we can't hear.

I stood, frozen with fear. Is this it? Are we all gonna be caught for a crime that I didn't even want to be apart of in the first place?

"Head to the back, immediately!" Namjoon instructs everyone.

The Bangtan Boys and the men in black who work for them don't question their leader. 

I follow along but am skeptical. "How can he be so sure?" I whisper to Jungkook.

Before Jungkook is able to reply, Namjoon responds. "Because some of our men is watching the surroundings of the bank and I got an ear piece that informs me about everything that's going on. Now MOVE!"

"Okay, okay," I raise my hands up. Can't question anyone here. This gang be operating like a cult.

Jungkook whispers to me, "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you guys."

He then swiftly walks over to the traumatized mother. He kisses the forehead of the newborn baby in his arms and hands him to her. Trembling, she picks him up and bows repetitively, thanking him for not hurting her kid.

"Don't worry. He's all asleep now. Have a good day, ma'am." He bows and speedily catches up with us.

Namjoon points his gun at an employee who directs us towards the back of the bank. We finally exit and there's a black van waiting for us parked on the side of the road.

"Move, move, move!" Namjoon yells, the blaring sirens now louder since we were outside.

Yoongi pulls the back door open and we all step inside. The men dressed in black who worked for the gang go into other cars.

Everyone takes off their masks. Jungkook is on my right side and Hoseok on my left. Across from me, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi are sitting. The driver is someone else who works from them.

The van finally speeds away from the bank.

"Well, that was... intense," I broke the awkward silence.

"Yeah, no shit." Namjoon stares at his fingernails.

Does he have to make a sarcastic retort to everything I say?

I was about to snap back, but Jungkook stops me. He envelops his hand over my clenched fist. Slowly, I relax and we intertwine fingers.

His comforting actions always have a way to brain my clog.

I mean clog my brain. Same thing.

Jungkook leans over and whispers to me, "It's gonna be okay..."

I frown. "No it's not. We stole money from harmless people!"

Yoongi interrupts. "I wouldn't exactly call them harmless."

"What do you mean?" I raise my brow.

Yoongi explains. "We stole from exploitive billionaires that cheated us multiples times before. Took what was rightfully ours."

"Oh, okay. I guess that's fine then? Billionaires stealing from billionaires?" I tried to understand their justification.

"Duh." Yoongi wipes off his sweat with a towel.

"What about the police?" I worriedly ask.

"What about the police? We'll just drive around for a few hours to make sure no one's following us and then call it a night like we always do," Hoseok responds.

"But it's already 10 PM! My parents told me tonight's curfew is at 9- I need to go home as soon as possible!"

Namjoon cackles. "You joined the most dangerous gang in korea and you expected you'd be in bed every night by 9, cuddling your BT21 Cooky plushie? This is the real world, girlie. Gangs have the most fun at night."

"I don't care. I wanna go HOOOOMMEE!!" I whined.

I know I needed to be with Jungkook every minute I could, but if I didn't come home, my parents were gonna be angry and I doubt they'd let me out late again.

"Oh my god, she's even more annoying than that baby at the bank. Make her shut up!" Namjoon covers his ears.

I giggle to myself. Annoying Namjoon is so much fun.

Jungkook attempts to repress a snicker, but fails.

"Why are you guys laughing at me?" Namjoon whines.

We both chuckle again. We're laughing because we have something in common. We both enjoy getting under Namjoon's nerves.

Jungkook cheekily grins. "Alright, Alright, Namjoon. I'll distract her."

"And how are you gonna do that?" I challenge him.

"Come here," Jungkook points to his shoulder.

"I don't know..."

"Come on."

Slowly but unsurely, I rest my head against his shoulder. Even though it was rock hard, I still enjoyed the warmth of his body. Surprisingly, it was quite comforting.

"Omg, ew. Heteros!" Namjoon shrieks, covering his eyes.

Jin pats Namjoon's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay..."

"No, it's not!" Namjoon pouts. "They're annoying me so much."

"Well, is there any way I can help you?" Jin asks.

"C-can I rest against your shoulder too?" Namjoon twiddles his fingers, nervously.


"We have to balance out the heterosexuality in this truck with our love!"

Jin chuckles. "Of course, Joon."

Namjoon also leans his head against Jin and Jin wraps his arm around him. They both smile.

After a few minutes, I noticed that the van was almost completely quiet. I looked around and noticed almost everyone was wearing AirPods, using their phones. Well, I don't have AirPods.. That's because I'm broke.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that side of me," Jungkook whispers to me.

"It's okay. I saw a lot of different sides from you tonight."

It's quiet again and I'm thinking hard.

"You told me not to play hero, tonight... but then why did you?" I ask him.

"I dunno... I thought it was cool how you stood up to Yoongi and I've always been scared to stand up to Namjoon during these missions but i realized it wasn't really wasn't that bad. You gave me that courage."

He says something else, but I don't know what it was exactly. I became drowsy and my eyelids slowly shut closed.

"What?" I tiredly asked. The exhaustion of the day made everything feel like it was going slow-motion.

He gets closer, his warm breath hitting my ear.

"Thanks for being with me, Snow," Jungkook says, as he brushes the hair from my eyes.

My heart skips a beat as he says that nickname.

With the arm opposite the one I'm laying on, he gently brings it to the side of my face, gently caressing my cheek. He moves his hand further along my face, tucking the hair that is hanging loose behind my ear.

I can't lie- I like it when he plays with my hair. And thankfully, he doesn't stop and I begin to fall asleep.

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