One Week

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"Seven days! You only have seven days left!"

     I open my eyes and find a grey parrot repeating the phrase over and over again on my shoulder.  The parrot had menacing, bloodshot eyes. The bird finally flies away, squawking "Catch him if you can!"

    Catch who?

     I get up and stretched. I have no idea what my exact location was. I observed my surroundings and realized I was on the top of a roof of a tower... but how did I even get here?

    From my view, I see a gigantic maze below me. I spotted a dark haired boy with a white t shirt running in the maze... it's Jungkook!

       He seems to be running away from some figure- a dark shadow was following him. That shadow seemed so familiar...

      I climb down the tower and stood in front of the maze's entrance.

There was a gigantic sign.

Enter if you dare to endure the consequences.

     Without a second thought, I ran into the maze.

Giant stone walls surround me. Everytime I thought I found the exit, another obstacle came my way. It was like the wall just came out of thin air! I feared that the maze would be endless, and there was no way out. I couldn't even keep track of my own direction.

   Despite my fear of being eternally lost, I struggled through and found the exit.

Outside the maze was sunshine enough to see the towering walls of steel. The brightness of the outdoors was a complete contrast to the gloomy atmosphere prior to entering the maze.

Maybe the brightness was a foreshadowing to the future?

    I follow the path of light to find boy with a messy posh of dark hair.

"Jungkook!" I call out, running speedily towards him.

His eyes shine, upon recognizing my face. Jungkook's vibrant smile was emphasized by the glow of the sunset behind him. Maybe he'd be just fine?

   Exhausted from my run, I rest my hands on my knees. I grin. "I finally found you!"

   He grins back. "You'll be the last person to see my final moments!"

"Yeah, I guess so." I just realize the meaning of his strange words. "Wait, what?"

The shadow that was chasing him finally engulfs Jungkook's body. His eyes becomes completely black and his face is void of emotion.

    He waves at me. "I'll finally be at peace."

He falls backwards from the cliff.

"No!!!!" I scream. I run and grab his arm.

I'm holding onto his body as he was dangling from the edge of the cliff.

    "I...can't...hold...on.. any...longer.." Sweat was dripping from my face as I was trying to pick Jungkook up but he was too heavy.

"You have to climb up! Use your strength!" I instructed him, gritting my teeth.

   He shakes his head, smiling. "I don't have any strength left. You deserve to live and I deserve to die."

"That's not true. Just hold on a bit longer..." I begged him, trying my best to grip his body. He slowly slipped, and now only my hand was holding his hand.

28 Days | Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now