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**  Shelby POV ** 

5:45 like every day. I jump out of bed straighten my hair and apply my usual makeup. I throw on acid wash high-waisted shorts, lacey Pink Floyd shirt, and my white converse. Plan was to look cute, but I didn't want it to seem I tried to hard. 

I got Bren to pick me up early because there was a lot that she needed to be filled in on, and I wasn't going to be driving home. We left early then went to the maccas on the way to school. After grabbing our food we sat down. Silence filled the room until she broke it. 

"What did you want to tell me that could not wait, and why did I have to wake up so early to come and get you?" She said sarcastically like it was an actual issue making me laugh. 

"So yesterday after I freaked out I went for a drive to clear my head, but when I came back there were people there waiting to talk to me." I said trying to create some suspense. 

"Shelby, I would appreciate if you just went out and said it. I am not up for any games this morning." Bren said giggling at her remark. I threw my straw wrapper and joined in with her laughter. 

"Well, you know how I post those videos on YouTube?" She nodded so I decided to continue. "Well they have been getting a lot of attention, and this  band surprised me yesterday. They asked me to come back to LA with them on Sunday because their management wanted to meet with me. You know 5 Seconds of Summer?" I said giving a mischievous grin. Bren began chocking on her drink. 

She regained her composure and replied. "Like the 5SOS?" I nodded and she just began screaming. 

I threw my hand over her mouth for her to stop glaring at her until she did. "They came to my house! I have been talking to Calum for the past few days, and somehow they tracked me down." She just sat there with the biggest smile I could ever see. "That is also why I asked you to get me today. The boys are picking me up from school so we can hangout." That is when she lost it. Bren's screams filled maccas causing all of the workers to stare at us. 

"I cannot believe this! Shelby! This is amazing!" She hopped over the table and sat next to me on the booth. "I am so happy that your life is finally turning around. " With that I grabbed her into the tightest hug that I could. 

"Come on looser. Let's get to school." I escorted her out and we traveled to school. 


The last bell rang the same time that my phone did. Without checking the caller ID I answered the phone.


"Hey Shelby. We are out front right by the statue." It must be Calum.

"Okay. I will be out there in a few seconds."

"See you then." With that I ended the conversation and began walking out to the front of the school.

As I saw the car I became happy knowing I made it a day without any harassment from the witch herself. That was until I saw Alexa and the clones standing by the statue. We made eye contact and that was her cue to make her way over to me. 

"Hey troll. Nice to see you made an appearance today. Actually I would have been happier not having to have the image of your disgusting self forever imprinted into my brain." Her whole crew laughed as she pulled my hair.

When they were gone i felt the back of my head to only feel something sticky in it. I was horrified. This was a new low. Even for her. I quickly grabbed the spare beanie in my bag in placed it over my head. My gaze never left the ground as I walked over the car that was waiting for me.

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