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** Shelby POV **

"How long can a flight be?" I groaned as we walk out of the plane entering the airport. Everyone around me just laughed at my pain. Calum chuckled as he threw his arm around my shoulder without saying a word as he continued to walk.

As we walked through the airport, I began to feel a little more intimidated with where we are. This stop is going to change everything. 

Welcome to Sydney, Australia 

I took a deep breathe as we got closer to the main area where we will meet up with the families. Families. This is going to be the first time I will ever meet them, and that thought is definitely plaguing me as I walk with Calum. Sure, I have talked to Mali and Joy a few times when Calum was on the phone with  them, but I have never met them in person. This is like a whole new world. 

"Hey. Calm down. I can feel your tension from over here." Calum whispered into my ear forcing me to take a deep breath. "Everything will be fine. They already love you." 

"How can you be so sure? They don't even know me," I replied getting defensive of my state.

"I know they will love you because I love you." Calum stated proudly while we walked through the airport. 

"Calum, dude, shut the fuck up. No one is going to by that shit." Michael groaned hitting him hard on the back forcing him to stumble. I laughed and agreed with Mike as we kept walking. 

We didn't talk for the next few minutes as we finally made our way. As we walked through the opening Ashton dropped his bags and ran up to scoop Harry up while not letting go of Bren's hand. Luke followed suit running to hug Liz while Michael tried to act cool while meeting up with his family. 

I walked with Calum slowly to meet up with his family. My grip getting tighter on his hand as we approached his mom waiting for us. When we finally got to her after what felt like years of walking she threw her arms around her son giving him the biggest hug in the world. It was the cutest thing i have ever  seen, and when she started to cry of happiness my heart started to warm from the love that this women has for her son. 

She soon released him and gave me a warm smile. Within seconds I was enveloped in her arms. I quickly regained my senses and wrapped my arms around her. During our hug I felt Calum rub his hands and down my back. It was like I was in a Hood sandwich and I was definitely enjoying it. 

"How are you two?" Joy asked with a big smile on her face. 

"We have been great, mum. Just happy to be home for a few days." Calum replied giving his mom the same smile that she was giving him. After small talk we finally made our way out of the airport and got into the car to get to get to his house. 

After a little drive we pulled up to a little house. It was not small, but it was not big. It was perfect. I followed being Calum with our small bags that we put together from our larger cases that are still with the crew.

We walked through the front door, and immediately I was exposed to a whole other side to Calum. His whole demeanor was different-- in a good way-- he was more relaxed. I kept following behind him until we walked to a door that I expected to be his room. When we walked in I couldn't help but chuckle. In his room there were poster all over the walls, pictures of him and his friends (including the boys of course), a guitar hidden in the corner, a skyscraper of CDs, and clothes scattered across the floor for god knows how long.

"What?" He asked over his shoulder as he made a direct line to his bed to hop in. I kept smiling as I dropped my bag and got in the spot he patted next to him just moments before. "What's so funny?"

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