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** Shelby POV **

The past two days have been insane for me. I have been in my own kind of world, and I do not even feel bad for shutting everyone out. I haven't been able to tell anyone what is going on. I have literally locked myself in my dressing room or the hotel room writing or being paranoid if I am not performing.

My fear is that I am going to get a phone call that turns everything upside down. My life is finally looking good for me. I have such a strong support system behind me, and I cannot even go on to talk about the fan base that I have formed. There is no one who is trying to take it all away from me, or so I thought up until a few days ago. I am honestly just waiting for Payten to arrive, so I will be able to find out what the hell is going on.

I heard the hotel door open breaking me from my trance. Calum walks in to the room and lays down on the bed right next to me. "Hey baby." He says to me while leaning up to kiss me. I turn my head so he kisses my cheek instead. He looks at me for a second before shrugging it off.

The next few minutes go by in a blur. I can tell he is talking to me, but I don't hear what he is saying. It is like I am numb to everything around me. This whole situation is crazy to me. What does my brother and father even want from each other? I mentally cannot handle it.

"Shelby." I hear Calum say making me shake my head and turn towards him. "Are you okay?" He asks me full of worry. I can tell he has been picking up on my change of attitude, but that doesn't mean I want him to acknowledge it.

"Yeah." I lie trying to be as convincing as I can before looking back down to my notebook. My phone starts blaring from the night stand beside me. I feel fear take over me. What if it is my brother? What do I do? He cannot know I know something is up.

My breathing starts to pick up a bit, and I can feel that a full on panic attack is about to transpire. Calum looks over, and is able to see something is wrong he grabs my phone to answer it.

"Hello...oh hey... She is tied up right now... I can send Michael there... Okay, see you in a bit... Bye Payten." He hangs up the phone before quickly sending a text to Michael then placing my phone back on the nightstand. When the words leave his mouth I feel myself being able to stop thinking the worst. Calum now wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

"Tell me what's wrong, baby. I can't help you if you won't talk to me." He whispers into my ear. I simply shake my head before placing my legs on both sides of his body so that I am now straddling him. I place my head in the crook of his neck as I breathe him in. He starts to play with the ends of my hair. "Tell me." He says more as a demand even though it is soft.

I leaned back before taking a breath to give into his demand. "Payten called me the other day telling me that Brad isn't who is trying to act like he is. Also, that he is talking to my dad. About me."

As the words leave my mouth I watch the boy in front of my go through a few stages. First, he pales from the information I just gave him. Then, I note the realization set in as he tightly balls his fists. Lastly, he throws his arms around me pulling me as close to him as possible. His touch forces a sob to leave the back of my throat. After a few minutes in his embrace he finally breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry baby. You don't deserve that. None of it." He says while pushing a random piece of hair out of my face.

"I just don't get it Calum. Why does everyone that I am supposed to trust to decide to fuck me over?" I yelled through tears finally getting angry about the situation for the first time. He reached his hand up to wipe the tears begging to fall down my face.

"You can trust my Shelby. Always remember that. You also have the girls and the other boys. We all love you so much, and we would do anything to see that beautiful smile on your face." He says leaving his hand cupped around my face. I leaned my head on his shoulder taking is his words.

We stayed in that position for a few moments until a knock came at the door. While I was going to get up to open the door, I felt Calum wrap his hand around my wrist turning me around to look at him. "I love you." He said quickly while playing with the bottom of my hair.

"I love you." I replied in one breath before giving him a soft but passionate kiss. Before we could go any further I heard another knock on the door. I let out a little groan before walking to the door to go see who was on the other side.

I opened the door to see a nervous looking Payton on the other side. I pulled her into a hug taking us both a little by surprise.

"Hey. How was your flight?" I asked trying not to be awkward.

"It was good. Thanks." She replied picking at the bottom of her shirt.

"Do you want to go ahead and get it over with? I feel like it will make everything a little easier." I said blankly.

"Sounds good." She replied. I motioned her into our hotel room, and followed behind her taking a seat next to Calum placing my hand in his own. He looked down at me and gave my hand a little squeeze trying to comfort. As she began to speak I felt myself stopping her and grabbing my phone.

To Ash, Mike, Lukey, Leahlou, & Bad Girl Brenn ;) : Hey could you guys come in my room. There is something going on, and I wanted all of you in here with me.

I needed my friends in here with me. I didn't want them to be in the dark because they already know everything else. Plus, all the support and love in the room wouldn't hurt.

Within minutes I heard an obnoxious amount of knocking on the door signaling that the whole lot was here. I ran as fast I could to the door. Mostly because I wanted them to shut up.

"Oh my God!" Michael said while grabbing me by the shoulders. "You are pregnant, aren't you? Oh shit!" I could not help myself, but laugh at his comment.

"No, you ass. I am not pregnant, but this is serious so if all of you could sit down so we can down to it?" I said trying to get the whole story over with. The group all nodded and followed me.

I took my seat next to Calum, and then motion for Bren to sit next to me. I needed my best friend right next to me. Even though I have been a little distracted I knew that nothing changed, and I needed her more now than I have in a while.

When she took her seat next to me, I laced my fingers in hers for comfort. I now had the comfort from the two most important people in my life allowing me to feel a little bit better about the situation. I looked over to Payten who seemed a little alone. I looked over to Mike before nodding my head encouraging him to go sit next to her. He slowly wrapped his arm around her, and I could immediately tell that she become less on edge.

"Okay, Go on." I said taking in a deep breath trying to prepare myself for whatever she was going to say.

"Well, it all started to change a few months before he ran into you..."

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