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** Shelby POV **

“Damn it, Shelby!” He yelled at me refusing to make eye contact with me. The tension in the room was killing me. All I wanted to do was scream, so I did.

“I hate you!” I exclaimed with anger filling throughout my veins.

“Glad to see the feeling is mutual!” He yelled back at me making me throw the object in my hand across the room with a groan. With that Michael got up and walked out of the room like a five year old.

“Holy shit you two. What is it about this game that makes you want to kill each other?” Calum said walking into the room and taking a seat next to me. He wrapped his arm around me allowing me to become less tense by his touch, but I was still pissed.

“He is a doucheface who makes us lose all the time.” I mumbled into Calum’s shoulder. I felt him vibrate under me allowing me to assume he was laughing. I looked up to see that dorky face he makes when he is doing one of his silent laughs. This boy can just make my heart melt.

“Douchface?” Calum asked looking down at me with an amused smile.

“It just came out...” I replied with a little giggle. I leaned up and kiss his cheek, and then rested my head back into his neck. “Holy crap!” I yelled jumping back up from my position.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Calum asked full of concern. His reaction made me laugh, but it was cute at the same time.

“What time is it?” I asked while getting up to walk back to the room.

“Eleven, why?”

“Shit, we have to meet my brother at the diner at noon!” I said while running around trying to get myself ready. I franticly threw on a pair of jean high wasted shorts, and black lacy bralette, and a random band tshirt on. I ran into the other room to get everyone out while throwing my hair in a messy fishtail braid. I was able to get my black high-top converse on and laced up by the time we had to walk out the door. “Let’s go, bitches!” I yelled forcing everyone out in the hallway.


We made it to the diner only a few minutes late. Given the group I was with that seemed like a miracle. These boys are always late to everything.

We walked in to be met with a familiar face. I ran up to my brother and threw my arms around him. “Hey Bradley!” I said in a tone of a song remembering how much he always hated his name. I heard him groan in response.

“Never call me that!” He said to me scrunching up his nose. “This is my girlfriend, Payten.”

“Hi, it is great to meet you.” I gave her a little smile before going around to introduce him to the others.

We all sat at a table and waited to order our food. I looked over the menu, but I did not feel super hungry. I settled on a chocolate milkshake and some fries. Conversation seemed easy with these nine. I felt kind of bad for Michael, though. He was nine-wheeling which now to think of it seems sorta lonely. We have to get him a girlfriend.

“So… Shelby? How old are you?” Payten asked me. Until then I did not realize I was completely zoned out. I snapped my head up and gave her a sweet smile.

“I am eighteen, you?”

“I am nineteen.” She smiled back at me.

“I am guessing Brad likes them young. He is what? Three years older than you?” I asked trying to spark the conversation.

“I guess so. He talks about you a lot, you know? He seems to never stop.”

“That is amazing to hear. Between you and me my mom acts like he doesn’t exsist. She likes to think he ran away for a reason, so now he is unwanted. It is very sad to me. I have missed him so much, and with everything that we have been threw it killed me when he ran off. I really needed him.” I whispered across the table to her.

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