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3 Months Later

** Shelby POV ** 

In the past three months not much has happened. We have just finished touring the United States, and are currently waiting to board a plan to London. I have been opening up for the boys at every show, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. 

Bren and Ashton are officially a thing. I won't say I didn't see it coming because we all did. They fell and they fell fast. Luke and Leah are perfect as always. Michael on the other hand seemed to feel left out, but that didn't last long. He befriended Ana. I can tell he fancies her, but the two aren't a thing yet. 

I looked over to the boy sitting next to me at the airport thinking how I got so lucky. He was truly amazing. We haven't come out to the fans yet because I was afraid of how they were going to think of me. I never got any hate because I tried to stay out of public with the guys. It hurt Calum's feelings in the beginning, but I assured him that it had nothing to do with him personally. Thankfully, he was understanding and told me that there was no rush. I was taken out of thoughts by a hand squeezing my own. 

"Earth to Shelbs. We have a plan to catch." Calum said looking down at me trying not to laugh. I shook my head before standing up and lacing my fingers in his own. 

We slowly got into our seats to fly across the sea. I will not lie. I was terrified to fly across the country. This is something totally new. I felt my breathing get a little shaky.

"You okay, love?" Calum whispered into my ear. 

"Um-yeah." I lied trying not to make him worry. 

"You are a terrible liar you know that?" He whispered into my ear leaving a kiss on my cheek. "Is the whole flying thing?" 

"Yeah.." I said while avoiding eye contact. 

"It is okay baby. I am right here." Calum said to me while wrapping his arm around me. I placed my head on his shoulder and automatically felt better. That was my favorite thing about Calum, he was always able to make me feel safe. I leaned up and kissed his cheek before falling asleep.


8 hours later I was woke up to Calum shaking me. "It is time to get up! We are here!" He said a little too enthusiastic. I just groaned in response before sitting up. "Well, aren't you lovely?" 

"The loveliest you will meet." I said with a little giggle as I was finally waking up.

We got off the plane, gathered our stuff, and headed to the hotel that we would be staying in for the next few nights. I was no longer tired. Screw jet lag.

When we entered the lobby Rebecca and Adam gathered around us. 

"Knowing you seven, no matter how hard we try the girls and boys will not be separated. We found that it would just be easier to get a suite with two rooms. Both with two beds. Now, we really do not need any babies." Adam said lecturing us like a father. 

"Oh my god!" I shouted at the same time Bren yelled "No!" Making Rebecca smile at us and the rest of the group laugh. 

"Now leave us. You know where to find us if you need anything."  Rebecca said keeping her smile. With  that we dismissed ourselves and ran up to the suite. 

It was absolutely incredible! It was bigger than Bren and I's apartment. It had a living room, two rooms, and a kitchen. The decoration was incredible. It felt like I was in another world. 

"I never thought a girl could be starstruck by some furniture." Michael teased from beside me. I quickly turned and hit his arm before walking to the room. 

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