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** Bren POV **

These past few months have been absolutely insane. It has been super eventful from all the crazy touring, stuff with Ashton, and now all of the Shelby drama. I just miss how things used to be sometimes. We were so carefree when we started this whole tour. I mean I can’t blame her for what is going on. Her brother is a douche simple as that.

It has been a few days since Payten came and dropped the bomb on the group. We were now in Italy.

I took a deep breath as I walked back into my room that I was currently sharing with Ashton. Without thinking, I closed the door in his face and planted myself flat onto the bed. I felt the bed dip beside me as Ash joined me. He placed his arm around me and pulled me close to him planting little kissing along my neck.

“Ash, stop.” I sighed.

“Talk to me, babe. What is going on in that pretty little head?” He asked while tapping on my head making me laugh. “There it is! Now, tell me.”

“I honestly don’t know how I feel. I just feel so bad for her all the time. She acts like she is okay for the sake of everyone when I can see it on her face she is close to a breakdown. It just pains me to see her like that. She is the closest person in my life – practically my sister.” I ran my fingers through my hair before sitting up to be facing him to which he soon copied. “What would you do if it was one of the boys going through this?”

“I would beat his ass.” Ashton said without a second thought.

“Exactly! I cannot stand all the sit that she has had to go through and all the stuff that these people have done to her. It makes me sick.” I said trying my hardest not to get emotional over the topic.

“I know, baby. Come here.” Ashton whispered while wrapping his arms around me. “All of us boys care for her. We will not let them get to her. I will kick some ass if I have you, you know that?” I nodded my head, so that I would not have to lose our contact.

I looked over to the clock. When I saw that is was only midday I decided that the girls were going to do something fun tonight. Without saying anything I sprung up from the bed and walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?” I heard my boyfriend yell towards me as I made my way out.

“None of your business, mister!” I replied while laughing. I approached Payten’s door and drug her from it doing the same for Leah. Without asking any questions they followed me down the hall to get Shelby.

After banging on her door for a few minutes she finally answered. I looked her up and down. She looked horrid. Her hair was matted to her face, her eyes were bloodshot, and she just looked tired in general. I let out a sigh. This was the Shelby that I got used to a few years ago.

“What are you-“she begin to say.

“Have you been crying?” I asked reluctantly. When she nodded I saw the tears come back to her eyes. I immediately wrapped my arms around the girl. This was my fear. She has come so far in the past few months. I will not allow her to become broken again. “Where is Calum?”

“He is out with Luke.” She said while sniffing.

“Well, follow us.” I pushed her back into her room. I went into her case to grab a random outfit while Payten did her make-up and Leah did her hair. I felt kind of bad for doing this to her because I know how mad she gets when I treat her like a child, but hey I am a maternal person. I also ordered a pizza while we waited because who doesn’t like pizza.

After taking a good hour to get ready and eat us finally had her ready. The food and pampering seemed to brighten her mood because she was once again laughing with all of us making me feel accomplished.

We were about to leave when Shelby decided that we should have a little jam session. Of all people, the sad one was now the hyper one. I honestly don’t know what I am going to do with this child.

The room was filled with old songs from Disney channel. In the middle of ‘7 Things I Hate About You’ the door flew open. We turned around not caring the boys were there and kept dancing. I look over to Shelby who had a huge smile on her face, and honestly that is all I care about.

“I am so going to post this.” Calum said while laughing to his girlfriend.

“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.” She replied to him. He quickly gave her kiss making me internally ‘awe’ because of their relationship.

“Well, if you two are done eating each other we are going to leave.” Leah said while grabbing onto my hand to pull me out of the room with the rest of the group following.

“Where are y’all going?” Luke yelled over to us.

“None of your business.” Leah said back at them. Making everyone but Luke laugh. We walked out the door and got into the elevator making our way down to the lobby.

“For real. Where are we going?” Payten said as we walked out the door into the Italian sun. I shrugged with a little laugh.


We ended up going to see a movie and just hanging out with each other. I miss times like those with Shelby. Nothing has changed, except for the two new friends that we have gained. We explored Italy for a little bit, but because of the time we decided to go back to the hotel.

We made it back to find all of the boys sitting in Michael’s room playing Xbox. Well, except for Ashton. I walked over to my gamer hater and plopped down onto his lap giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, love. Where did y’all go?” He asked sounding like he actually cared.

“We went to the movies, and then we just explored. It was fun.” I said smiling at the new memories. He nodded his head before turning back to watch the other three.

“Hey Shelby, your phone is ringing I think.” Michael said while not taking his eyes off the screen.

“I am just going to ignore it.” She replied with a smile.

“When you are done, come and take your shitty boyfriends spot. He is terrible!” He said with a laugh. When she didn’t reply everyone decided to shoot their attention to her.

Her whole demeanor changed within seconds, and all of the coloring seemed to leave her body.

“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” Calum asked while dropping his controller to run over to his girlfriend.

“M-my phon-ne.” She stuttered.

“What are you talking about?” He asked while grabbing the sides of her face to for some contact.

“It’s Brad.”


A/N: It is still Thursday here for another 8 minutes, but it is on time nonetheless! Sorry for the length and it being all over the place. I didn't want to drag it on more than it needed to be!

Thank you for reading! I love all of you heaps! SEE YOU MONDAY

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