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** Shelby POV **

I hate surprises. I hate them so much. They make me feel really anxious, and because of my anxiety that I already have it is not a fun experience. I know whatever Calum has planned will be amazing, but it is the whole idea of not knowing what exactly is going on. I just need to breathe and get my shit together.

In and out, Shelby.

I reached over a grabbed Calum’s hand while we made our way around Paris. He looked over at me before kissing me on the forehead. When the taxi came to a stop a few minutes later I felt myself getting anxious again. I gave his hand a light squeeze before following him out of the vehicle.

When I looked up from the ground was when I felt my breath get taken away. There was a blanket set up with tea light candles, a basket, and a bouquet of sunflowers. The best part was that we were sitting in a park where the Eifel Tower overlooked. It may be a little cliché, but it worked. I looked over to Calum who was just awkwardly standing there rubbing the back of his neck. I closed the distance between us to place a soft kiss on his lips.

“Do you like it?” He asked looking down at me like he was trying to see how sincere my answer would be.

“It is amazing.” I said placing another kiss on his lips before the both of us sat down to eat.

As we sat there we talked about anything and everything. From tour to my elementary school days. It was such a relaxed night. Talking to Calum was one of the easiest things in the world. Even if I knew he didn’t get what I was talking about he still acted like he was the most interested person in the world.

We were finally done eating when the conversation seemed to die down. I put my head on his shoulder and just took in the moment. I was with the one person who I cared for the most, and I knew he cared for me. It was perfect.

“Dance with me.” Calum said in a form of a command.

“There is no music.” I said trying to hold in my giggles.

“No fear! Calpal is here!” He said rummaging through his pockets to pull out his phone. I just sat there laughing at his actions until he started to play a song. When the tune began to run through my ears I felt all of my body turn to ice.

This could not be happening.  I started to keep my breathing steady so that he would not notice that something was wrong. I wrapped my arm around his neck while he snaked his arms around my waist. I leaned my head on his chest as we swayed back and forth trying to keep my breathing at a steady pace

He stopped dancing before the words even started in the song. “What is wrong, baby?” He asked while rubbing up and down my arm trying to comfort me.

“This song.” I mumbled. “It was my dad and my song when I was little.”

He grabbed his phone like he was going to stop the song, but I grabbed his arm before he could do that. “I can change it. It’s okay.” He whispered coming down to kiss my lips. I shook my head and pulled him closer to me. I was not going to let my mind ruin the night that he planned for me.

We stood there dancing for the next couple minutes. He leaned down and started to sing the song into my ears making me smile.

And I’ll be your cryin’ shoulder

And I’ll be love suicide

I’ll be better when I’m older

I’ll be the greatest fan of your life

“You make me happy, Cal.” I said looking up to him with a smile on my face.

“I am glad baby. You too.” He said to me while dancing. He continued to sing the lyrics into my ear while we dance. I could not help, but notice the serenity in the words he was saying. I knew he would always be here for me unlike my dad. All of those times I wasted having break downs about my dad were ludicrous. He was not worth my tears, but I now have the most amazing support system. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. After another minute the song came to an end.

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