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** Calum POV **

Given that we are in Paris for a whole day before we even have to preform, I want to do something special for Shelby. I had the whole day planned out for her. It started with me leaving her in the morning before she woke up with a note telling her to be ready by noon.

After that I went down the hall to Ashton and Bren's room. As I approached the door I dawned on me that they may not be up, and that would totally screw everything up. I hesitantly knocked on the door, and after a few minutes the door flew open.

“Hey, mate. What’s up?” Ashton said to me with door cracked, so I could not see the inside. I stared at the situation and it made me laugh.

“Bren put on paints, so I can come in. It looks kind of weird standing in the hall with a half-naked Ashton.” I yelled threw the door with a devilish grin. After another few minutes Bren opened the door up for me. I could not help but notice the blush on her cheeks. I chuckled a bit as I walked through the doorway.

“What is it, Cal?” Bren said to me trying to hide her embarrassment.

“I need both of you guys’ help.” She nodded her head, so I decided to continue. “I want to do something super special for Shelby. Can you go shopping with her at noon? I will give you my card to pay for it, and then have her come back here. Cat will be here to help her get ready. I will pick her up from your room at seven. Okay?”

“Yeah! Sure!” She was jumping up and down with excitement. I looked over to Ashton to see the both of us trying not to laugh at the brunette’s state. I put my hand on her shoulder for her to calm down. “Anything else?” She said trying to calm herself.

“Actually, yeah. I need song ideas to play to her.” I said looking into her eyes. She immediately scrambled across the room. She started writing on a piece of paper before handing it to me. I looked over the list, but only one stood out to me. “This one is perfect.” I said pointing at the song.

“I thought you would pick that, but I want to let you know it is a little risky. I think it will be okay.” She answered me with a smile to which I returned.

“I need to steal you today, Ashton. Meet me in the lobby in an hour?” He nodded his head before I got up to leave. I turned around to see Bren again. “Thank you so much.” I said to her with a big smile to which she returned with a smile and a nod.

I left the room to get the other two boys to meet me in the lobby. Today was the day.

Today was the day I tell Shelby I love her.

** Shelby POV **

When I woke up I felt weird. I turned over to cuddle in to Calum, but he wasn’t there. Something felt off. I turned over to check my phone.


I have not slept in the late in a long time. It felt quite refreshing. Yesterday we just hung around because we were so tired from the flight, but we only have one more day off before we start our shows again. I got up to go get some food.

When I got the door I saw a sticky note on the door.

Be ready at noon. (:

-Cal x

The whole note was cute, but it was weird. He was up to something. I can just feel it.


I was just finishing brushing my teeth when a knock at the door took my attention. I checked the time to see that it was almost 12:00. I rushed over to the door to be met with a smiling Bren.

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