Chapter 52: I Can't Believe You...

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My heart started to ache. I can't believe this was happening to me. All my savings was gone. All the money I've saved up was gone. All my hard earned money wasn't there. No cash no coins nothing. Empty with just receipts and few gift cards.

"MOM" I yelled.

"Why you yelling for" said my mom.

"Who has been in my room" I asked.

"How am I suppose to know" said my mom.

"Mom please who has been here" I asked.

"I don't know your dad never goes inside so Guero if your missing something tell him" said my mom.

"Okay" I said.

Then she left. I called Guero and he answered after the second ring.

"Hello" said Guero.

"Son of a bitch you took my money didn't you!" I yelled.

"Ey calm down I'll pay you back I needed the money okay so chill once I start working I'll pay you back" said Guero.

"Why didn't you fucken asked me for money why didn't you even tell me you took it in the first place" I said yelling.

"Chill stop fucken yelling. I guess I just forgot" said Guero.

"Fucking bitch! Cause of you now I have no fucking money to buy formula for my son! Your nephew doesn't have formula so what do we starve him because you were being a selfish bitch stealing from your fucking sister!" I yelled and then I hanged up and threw my phone.

I was too pissed off that I started to cry. I fell to the ground everything was crushing down on me. Then Casper came inside.

"Hey what's wrong" Casper asked.

"Guero took all my money" I said calming down now.

"All your money" asked Casper.

"Yeah he even took the coins" I said.

He pulled me close to him. "It's gonna be okay" said Casper.

"No it's not. Jay doesn't have formula anymore. And I don't have money" I said.

He hold me tighter and he said fuck to himself.

"You don't have money huh" I asked.

I saw him close his eyes and took a deep breath in and out "no I paid for the bills at home and the last 20 I had I gave it to my sister cause she wanted to buy something" said Casper.

"What are we gonna do now" I asked.

"My parents aren't home" said Casper.

"My parents told me they wouldn't help me out to buy things for Jay since the start" I said.

"Let me ask around" said Casper.

"Okay and I'll ask Aaron, since my other homies aren't here right now" I said.

"Alright babe" said Casper.

Then he left outside. I really wish Victor was here I know if he was here he would've helped me out. I sighed and dialed Aaron.

"Hey what's up" said Aaron.

"Hey what you doing" I asked.

"Just getting off work and you" said Aaron.

I sighed "my bro stole all my money and I don't have money to buy Jays formula I was wondering if you could let me borrow 100 and I'll pay you back as soon as I can" I said.

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