Chapter 37: Just A Dream?

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I looked at him like he was crazy. Then I started to laugh.

"Whatever Casper stop lying. Where's my clothes so I can change and go see my brother Omar" I said looking around for my clothes.

He got my hand and pulled me into an embrace.

"Baby I'm so sorry. That wasn't a dream it happened. I'm sorry it did. But Omar is gone. Your clothes are in a plastic bag they're covered with his blood" said Casper.

I tried to push him away I kept hitting him but he would only hold me even more tight.

"Shut up.! He's not gone! Don't you dare say that!" I yelled at him as I cried.

"Please baby listen to me it's going to be fine I promise" said Casper.

I gave up and just cried. Everything was hitting me at once. Replaying yesterday's events. Seeing everything over again. The way the bullet entered him. How he fell to my arms and we both fell to the ground. How I hugged him tight in my arms begging him to stay alive. I now remembered this wasn't just a dream it really happened... My brother is gone.. He's really gone. I don't know how to feel anymore. What am I suppose to even feel. Guilty because the bullet was meant for me. Sad because he is gone. Or mad because he took it for me. Casper just kept holding onto me and rubbed my back to calm down. Then after a while I was out of tears.

"Is it okay to be mad" i asked Casper.

"Yes it is okay to be mad. But you can't be mad forever" said Casper.

"Why not" I asked.

"He wouldn't want you to always be mad at him. He did what he promised you. He protected you even if that cost him his life. He did it because he loves you but it is okay to feel whatever you're feeling" said Casper.

"I don't know what am even feeling honestly. Have my parents called you" I asked.

"Yeah last night they asked if you were okay and when you were going back home. I told them you had gone to sleep almost right away when we got here and you were still asleep. I asked if you were able to stay the night and they said it was okay" said Casper.

"I don't want to go home" I said.

"You don't have to go. Go whenever you want to" said Casper.

"Can we stay like this for a while longer" i asked.

He kissed the top of me head and squeezed my arm "of course baby we can. We can do whatever you want" said Casper.

I smiled "thanks baby" I said.

"No problem chula" said Casper.

We stayed quiet for a while. I was getting sleepy again when I heard his stomach growl. I laughed.

"Hungry baby" I asked.

"Haha yeah I hardly ate yesterday" said Casper.

"I'm sorry" I said. I got sad.

"It's okay don't worry aren't you hungry" asked Casper.

"No, not really" I said.

"Want to go with me to get something to eat" said Casper.

"I really don't want to go nowhere tho" I said.

He sighed "come on let's go I'll get sonic that way we don't get down" said Casper.

"Okay fine" i said.

"I love you" said Casper.

I gave him a kiss "I love you too" I said.

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