Chapter 23: One Line or Two Lines

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I kept crying as I hugged myself rolled up into a ball. He didn't say anything for a while.

" when did this happen " he asked calmly as he sat down in my bed.

" yesterday " I whispered. " we became official yesterday also." I said whispering also.

He went next to me and hugged me " I am so sorry babygirl I don't know what to tell you " he said.

" it's okay it only hurts because we did it I liked him a lot I really did but love him no maybe if we would've been together a little longer I would've fallen for him " i said truthfully.

" I get it babygirl you were protecting your heart and he managed to let your guard down for a bit if he would've been still alive I wouldn't have mind but I do and I know it isn't his fault for dying just I really wished it would've been different for you " he said.

" yeah I wish it was " I said whipping my tears away. " and G please don't tell anyone" I said.

" I won't I promise babygirl you know I won't " he said.

We stayed quiet and I fell asleep thinking what my life could've been if he would've made it out alive.

I went to the funeral but I didn't went close to his family because well the hate for Adrian was still there and a lot stronger. I saw Dolly sitting next to his mom I wanted to tell her something but I wasn't about to confess to her what he told me. So whatever she said I was gonna go along with it. I went up with G and I said my goodbye to him as we left together. He looked peaceful. And that gave me a little comfort. I had gone to ask Abel what the hell happened and all he told me was the ones who came replaced Andrews spot. And we weren't able to be seen talking and that hurt a little cause he was the only person I was able to talk to about Andrew but I understood and we said goodbye and we never spoke again. I overheard Victor and a homie talking. They said even if Flaco died at least he left a reminder of him that Dolly was expecting. It made me mad at how she didn't say the truth but that wasn't my thing to say. It's not like everyone knew what happened that day. So I let it be and went on with my life. I wasn't speaking to anyone again. I let the sadness consume me. The voices in my head wouldn't stop. I quit the pills and the withdrawal was a bitch. I wanted to give up on it and just take them so I'd feel better and be numb but I didn't let it win me so I fought hard and got clean with that. I was smoking a new kind of weed and it would trip me out and get me high right away. But what I hated it wouldn't let me sleep. It'd keep me up with the voices in my head. I would cut my arms so damn deep scars were forming and that would be the only way the trip would go away and the voices. But I couldn't stop smoking.

First weekend of April.

G, Victor, and Cesar went to my job to pick me up it was 11pm on a Saturday. I walked to G's car and went inside.

" hey you guys " I said as I put my seatbelt on.

" hey " they all said.

" ey mija can you help me with something " asked G.

" sure with what " I asked.

" it's just this girl I hooked up with told me she might be pregnant and we hooked up about a month ago and I was wondering if you can help me pick out the test " said G.

My heart was beating fast. I haven't gotten my period since I've been with Flaco. Fuck, fuck, fuck this can't be happening. I know we didn't protect ourselves but how dumb could I have been I forgot about it. And what makes it worse that week I completed the last month of the birth control I was taking for the cysts in my ovaries the obgyn told me the cysts were gone and I didn't had to take them anymore. My parents are going to kill me.

" damn do you want her to be pregnant I asked but yeah I'll help you with that " I said. I knew he was referring to me every time I'd get my period he was my to go to guy to buy me ice cream and my pads. And he knew the day I'd get it and I can't believe I didn't notice.

" nah I don't but she knows I'll help her if she is I mean she's going to be my baby's mom but I'll worry till I know for sure. But thanks babygirl " said G.

I didn't say anything anymore. The guys were talking to G trying to figure out who he was talking about. But he wouldn't tell them. I just sat there thinking if I was how screwed everything would be. I'd have to tell people Flaco is the father let his family know. Oh God as much as I want a reminder of him I'm not ready for a responsibility like that. I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep. My life would be ruin.

" hey G let's go to the store so I can help you pick out the test and then drop me off at home I don't feel like kicking it with the homies tonight " I said.

" nah come on you never kick it with us anymore babygirl just for a while " said Victor.

" I know just for a while then we'll bring you back home " said Cesar.

" no come on I don't feel good I got my period at work today and I have bad cramps " I said.

They both made a face " fine " they both said.

We went to Walmart and just me and G got down.

" what will I do if I am G " I asked him.

" let's worry about that when we find out just relax babygirl I got you " he said.

We went to get one he paid while I waited for him by the door then we left he dropped them off at the kickback while he took me home.

" are you going to stay with me while I take it " I asked.

" yeah " he said.

Then we got down and went inside my parents were heading out to the club and they told us my brothers were out as they left. I took a deep breath and I went to the restroom with the test.

I read the directions three times before I did it now I was just waiting for the results. It felt like years when the time was up.

I saw the result then I dropped it and I started to cry saying " oh my god ". Then G came inside.

" what happened " he asked.

He saw the test.

" it says you......"

That's enough for this post! Let me know what you guys think if she is or isn't? Thanks for reading show some love! Vote and comment! I'll post more later on maybe no promises!  Y'all the best!

-XOXO Gigglesz'💞💝.

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