September 11, 2017

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Aight. So I have a few things I want to talk about.

First off...*Looks at Hurricane Irma messin up Florida* You. *Looks at Hurricane Harvey messin up Texas* You. *Looks at Hurricane Jose who's just messin around in the middle of the ocean* Your good. *glares* for now.

Irma, Harvey...DA HECK! Have you seen the damages you've done to poor Texas and Florida?!?! There is so much flooding, someone could drive a pontoon boat down the street and never touch the road. And don't even get me started on house damages and all the other stuff you've done!!!

*Looks at Jose, who's still just chillin in the middle of the ocean* You stay there and die. If you come to the U.S or anywhere else I will send Grandma to whoop your butt.

*ahem* *looks at agenda for diary* Ahh, right.

Ok. So today is probably really hard for many of you. And I'm sorry. I feel for you. I wasn't alive when it happened. That was a few years beyond my time. But, just know, I appreciate all the men and women alike who helped during this time.

For those of you who don't know, which I don't see how you couldn't, today is 9/11. September 11th. Today many years ago, two terrorist planes came to New York and attacked. First, the north tower of the World Trade Center. Then, just moments later, the south tower was hit. Another plane went for Washington D.C to attack the Pentagon and one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands were killed. They are all being remembered today, yesterday and always. 9/11 haunted a lot of people, and continues to do so.

I'm sorry to those of you who suffered a loss during 9/11 and I'm sorry to those of you who escaped or was very close when it happened that you had to experience such a terrible thing. It can't be easy to remember that time. And, again, I'm sorry.

Guys, keep Texas, Florida and all the 9/11 acquaintances in your thoughts. We're with all of you.

*looks at list again* Ok. That's it for now. If I have more to share or talk about I will. I'm sorry that this may have been pretty depressing, but you can only sugarcoat the facts so much. I try not to sugarcoat because it's such a horrible thing to keep hard and depressing facts from someone who has all the right to know. I stand with you guys! <3

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